Concentration: Printmaking

BFA Printmaking
The Studio Concentration in Printmaking at Jacksonville State University is a comprehensive
program in which students explore various printmaking processes as a medium to create art in both a contemporary and historical context. Our program focuses on building the necessary technical skills to create prints in a variety of media, including Relief, Intaglio, Lithography, Screenprinting with an emphasis on strong form, content, and craftsmanship.
The Printmaking Studio features presses for each of major types of printmaking processes, linocut, woodblock, etching, lithography, and screenprinting presses taught in classes focused on each process, so students can explore the printmaking potential.
The BFA with a concentration in printmaking prepares students to achieve their aspiration of using prints as self-expression and technical achievement as a path to our student’s goals, including a continuation of study in a graduate program or a fine art studio practice.