Participant Guide

IMLeagues Sign Up Information
All intramural participants are required to create an account on IMLeagues will be used to manage team rosters, schedule games, check in players, etc.
To create an account:
- Visit
- Click "Sign Up"
- Select "Jacksonville State"
- Enter your information using your JSU email address
- Click "Create Account"
- Check your email. Open the activation email and click the link to login and activate your IMLeagues account
- You should be automatically joined to JSU. If not you can search schools by clicking "schools"
- Visit
- Log in to your account
- Click "Create/Join Team" at the top right of your user homepage
- Current sports will be displayed. Click on the sport you wish to join.
- Choose the league you wish to play in
- Choose the division you want to play in
- You can join the sport one of the following ways:
- Create a Team - use for individual events or team captain. Click "Create A Team".
- Join a Team - Click the "Create/Join Team" button
Any individual who is or has been a member of the varsity, junior varsity, redshirt squad, or on an athletic scholarship at JSU or another institution of comparable athletic stature (NCAA or NAIA), is not eligible to compete in that intramural sport or related sport until they have been out of that varsity sport for one full calendar year. Membership shall include persons practicing or working out with the team whether they play or not. Students who try out for a varsity squad and are cut/quit are ineligible until they petition for approval to compete in that intramural activity and/or related activity. To petition for approval, please email your situation and set up a meeting with the Coordinator of Sports Programs and Camps. Approval of this petition must be obtained prior to any participation in a related sport.
Varsity Athlete Limits
Each team will be limited to two players on teams of 5 or more or one players on teams of 4 or less who have been out of their varsity sport for one full calendar year. These players may be former varsity letter winners, former intercollegiate squad members or individuals who have been or are currently coaching at JSU in the same sport. This limit also applies to related sports.
Varsity Athletes in Related Sports
Current varsity athletes may participate in other intramural activities outside of their varsity sport; however, they may not participate in that sport or any related activity. For instance, a current varsity basketball player may not participate in basketball or a free-throw shooting contest.
People who, for any form of compensation/income, compete or have competed in their sport or related intramural sport are ineligible. They may petition their eligibility to the Coordinator of Sports Programs and Camps prior to any participation.
Any JSU student who is currently a member of a sports club may participate in the intramural program (in their sport or related sport), under the following conditions:
- They are properly listed as a member of the intramural team following regular eligibility guidelines.
- No more than two club members per team may be on a team’s roster in a contest with 5 or more players and no more than one club member may be on a team’s roster in a contest with 4 or fewer players. Remember, this is total club members. For example, an intramural soccer team may have one member of the men's soccer club and one from the women's soccer club but may not have a total greater than two club members.
- Any person who competes in scheduled contests, practices with the team, and/or is on the club roster kept in the Sports Programs Office for that academic year is considered a member of the club.
When questioning the eligibility of an opponent it is mandatory for the protesting player(s)/team(s)/official(s) to announce those questions to the opposing designated captain and game official(s) before the game is completed. The official(s) and supervisor will acknowledge that the game is being played under protest. If warranted, the player(s)/team(s)/official(s) need to follow up with a written protest within 24 hours after a league contest and within one hour after a tournament contest. The Intramural Sports Program reserves the right to handle eligibility violations without formal protest.
JSU UREC’s sportsmanship rating system has been developed to protect the safety and equity of all participants, spectators, and staff.
The rating is an objective means for assessing the behavior of teams throughout a sport season.
Participating in Intramural Sports is NOT a right, it is a privilege. Therefore, the Intramural Sports program and its staff members reserve the right to take away that privilege from any team or individual that does not abide by the rules and regulations, or does not exhibit good sportsmanship and fair play.
The Intramural Sports staff will grade teams on their display of sportsmanship before, during, and after each game on a 0-4 scale.
4.0 – Great Conduct and Sportsmanship
- Team members and spectators (on and off the playing area) cooperate fully with the supervisors and officials and the team captain has full control of their teammates and fans. If the captain converses with the officials about rules interpretations or calls, they do so respectfully and calmly. Team members and spectators were respectful of opponents and officials and encouraged each other’s efforts. At no time was this team disrespectful towards participants or officials.
3.0 – Average Conduct and Sportsmanship
- Team members and spectators (on or off the playing area) are respectful of opponents and officials except for one or two minor incidents which may or may not merit a warning from the game officials or supervisor. These complaints may have been voiced verbally or non-verbally toward officials, opposing players, or opposing fans. The team captain exhibits control over teammates and themselves.
- A team winning a game due to a forfeit/default will receive a 3 in sportsmanship.
- Teams that default an Intramural Sports contest will receive a 3 in sportsmanship.
2.0 - Below Average Conduct and Sportsmanship
- Team members and spectators (on or off the playing area) show continuous or sustained verbal dissent toward officials,
- Teams receiving multiple warnings or having players penalized for an unsportsmanlike act (i.e. conduct yellow card, conduct technical foul, unsportsmanlike conduct penalty)
- Teams that forfeit an IM contest will receive a 2 in sportsmanship
1.0 - Unacceptable Conduct and Sportsmanship
- Team members and spectators (on or off the playing area) complain excessively to officials and/or opposing team. The team captain exhibits poor control over teammates and themselves. Majority of individuals on this team are disrespectful of opponents or officials on a regular basis.
- Teams having players penalized for multiple unsportsmanlike act (i.e. conduct yellow card, conduct technical foul, unsportsmanlike conduct penalty) resulting in an ejection will receives no higher than a 1.
0.0 - Season Ending Conduct and Sportsmanship
- Team members and spectators (on or off the playing area) are completely uncooperative and out of control before, during, and/or after Intramural Sports contest(s).
- The team captain (spokesperson) exhibits no control over self, the team, and/or the spectators.
- Multiple ejections or blatant unsportsmanlike conduct that endangered participants, fans, officials, or supervisors.
- A team that receives a 0 sportsmanship rating will be completely removed from the league and forfeit all remaining contests. The team captain must meet with the Competitive Sports Coordinator to determine suspensions and eligibility for future IM contests. The team captain will be suspended from all IM contests until this meeting occurs.
- A team must have a minimum, cumulative average of 3.0 sportsmanship rating during the regular season to be eligible for the playoffs.
- Once the playoffs begin, all teams MUST earn a 3 or better in each contest to advance further in the playoffs (any team receiving a 2 or lower during the playoffs will be disqualified).
- Captains are responsible for the behavior and actions of their fans/spectators. The behavior and actions of fans/spectators can affect the team’s overall sportsmanship grade.
- The following are guidelines for all fans/spectators:
- Spectators must be respectful to the teams and Intramural Sports Staff.
- Spectators must stay in designated areas and cannot interfere with the game in any way.
- The use of noise makers, offensive signs/shirts/posters/language is prohibited
- Spectators are required to follow all UREC policies and conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the JSU student code of conduct.
Forfeits and Defaults
Game time is forfeit time. Game time is determined by the supervisor's watch/clock on each field/court. The minimum start number for the sport must be present to avoid forfeiting the contest.
If one team is not ready to play at game time the following occurs:
- The team will be granted a 5-minute grace period to obtain the minimum number of players. If the required minimum number of players arrives within the 5 minutes, the game will be played and recorded as an official game. No exceptions are permitted to the 5-minute grace period. Unless otherwise noted in sport-specific rules, the game clock will run during the 5-minute grace period.
- If both teams are ready to play at the designated start time, but due to a previous game running long or the court/field is not ready for play, the starting time will be adjusted so that the teams receive a full allotment of play time. Game time begins as soon as the field/court is available for play.
A game will not be forfeited if the field/court, Officials, Scorekeepers or Supervisor are not ready to begin play.
Regardless of the reason(s), after a team forfeits, they receive a loss, will be charged a $35 forfeit fee, the captain will be suspended and the team will be removed from the league until the fee is paid. A team may default to avoid forfeiting.
- If one team is present at game time, the official will notify that captain that the clock will begin running and that the opposing team will have 5-minutes to meet the minimum number of players. Any additional penalties (points, etc…) will also be explained.
- If neither team is present at game time, both teams will suffer the forfeit penalty
- If the court/field is not needed for another reason, all participants who have arrived can use the court/field for practice or scrimmage play. The game will not be officiated and will not count as an actual game.
- If the last game of the day/night is forfeited, the court/field is closed, and all equipment will be removed. The present participants may use the court/field, but no equipment provided by the Intramural Sports Program.
- All forfeits are final.
If a team (or player in individual sports) knows they cannot field at least the minimum number of players for a game, they may notify the Intramural Sports Program Office by Noon the day of the contest to default the game. They must receive confirmation from the Coordinator of Competitive Sports or else it is not a default. If a team elects to default, they will be charged with a loss but not assessed a forfeit. Defaulting twice during a season will result in the forfeit fee being assessed.
Protests are designed for captains of intramural sports teams to plead their case for either:
- a rule that is administered incorrectly during an intramural contest (in-game protest),
- or questioning the eligibility of a player on another team.
In-game protests may never be used for something that is considered a judgment call. For example, whether or not a player stepped out of bounds or not. They are however for when a rule is administered or interpreted incorrectly, such as being required to play down a player when the opposing team is down a player.
- There shall be no protests allowed on judgment calls.
- If, in the team captain’s opinion, an error was made, they must inform the official in a sportsmanlike manner, BEFORE the game continues, that they are protesting a rules interpretation. If the team captain does not immediately notify the official of their intent to protest, they waive all rights to protest on that particular call.
- Upon notification by the team captain of a rules interpretation protest, the official shall stop the game and alert the supervisor, who will adjust the ruling appropriately, and/or assist the team captain in filling out the protest form. Both team captains shall sign the protest proceedings, agreeing to continue the game according to the official’s ruling.
- In resolving an in-game protest, the Intramural Sports staff will first make a decision concerning whether an error was made, and second, whether the error had an effect on the outcome of the contest. At that point, a final decision will be made on whether to replay the remainder of the game and both team captains will be notified.