
The only way to enter the facility is through the turnstiles. Employees should inspect all forms of identification and ensure the person matches the picture. Membership eligibility is verified when a JSU ID card, Spectrum App for iPhone or Android, or University Recreation key tag is scanned.
Guests will present a receipt. Radio facility supervisor or member specialist for complimentary passes.
The fastest way to access the Recreation and Fitness Center is to present a valid JSU ID, member key tag, or Member App. Member App’s can be downloaded from the app store and log in via your portal log in credentials. Member Services can resend log in credentials as needed.
If a patron forgets their ID, they can be looked up at the welcome desk with their JSU ID number for access.
It is against the policy of both the University and University Recreation for an individual to utilize a card that is not their own. Participants found attempting to utilize another person’s card may face disciplinary action.
Non-members participating in programs offered in the Recreation & Fitness Center will gain access to the facility in a variety of ways based on the nature of the event.
<1 – 5 years of age: No single entry pass required. Must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times. Not permitted in any fitness area or spa at any time.
6 – 15 years of age: Single entry pass required. Permitted into most areas of the University Recreation Center with direct parent/guardian supervision. Not permitted in any fitness area at any time.
16 – 17 years of age: Single entry pass required. Permitted into all areas of the University Recreation Center with indirect parent/guardian supervision.
Direct Supervision: In the immediate area as the child.
In-direct Supervision: In the facility.
Participants in University Recreation informal and programmed recreation have the right to privacy. University Recreation Staff approval and member permission must be granted before photography of members or guests can occur. University Recreation reserves the right to photograph participants for marketing materials.
Patrons should report any photography or filming to the facility supervisor on duty for investigation. University affiliated and unaffiliated media teams must be granted permission by the Marketing Coordinator. An access badge will be giving to each participate for during their usage of the facility. Access badges must be returned to the Marketing Coordinator.
Permission for commercial shoots must be approved by JSU and coordinated as a facility rental.
All outside marketing material posting requests must be submitted to and approved by University Recreation. JSU Marketing must approve marketing material containing any university logo or trademark before being displayed in the Recreation and Fitness Center. The Marketing Coordinator must approve printed content before being displayed in designated areas. Printed content cannot exceed 8 ½ x 11 inches. All quarter sheets cannot exceed 4 x 10 inches. Email digital content to the Marketing Coordinator in jpeg or png format. Digital screens dimensions are as followed:
- Full Screen: (W:1920 H:1080)
- Featured Picture (Announcement Screen): (W:1000 H:1080)
- Campus Announcements: (W:915 H:703)
Solicitation is prohibited both inside and outside of the Recreation and Fitness Center. Groups/Individuals wishing to fundraise, table or communicate with members must make proper arrangements and complete a Facility Reservation Request Form before doing so.
Guests found soliciting members as a sponsor will not be granted access to the Recreation and Fitness Center. Guests must be accompanied by a member and the sponsoring member will be held responsible for the guest.
- The Recreation and Fitness Center is a controlled access facility. Only authorized members, with verified identification, will be permitted through controlled entrances. Participants may be denied access if identification is not verifiable.
- Please note that exposed skin can be at risk to disease exposure. Therefore, we encourage participants to clean fitness equipment before and after use and be mindful of exposed skin. The following attire is required at all times:
- Clothing must be worn at all times that cover the chest, nipples, groin and buttocks through all ranges of motion (exceptions are the locker room areas and pool).
- Closed-toe, full back, athletic shoes with non-marking soles are required in all informal physical activity spaces.
- Members may only enter and exit via the main entrance located on the north side of building. All other exits are staff, special event, and/or emergency use only.
- Injuries, accidents, or equipment failures must be reported to the Facility Supervisor. If bleeding, the injured person must stop activity immediately and notify University Recreation staff to assist with clean up. Member may be asked to stop activity until blood can be controlled.
- Only personal trainers and instructors employed by University Recreation are permitted to provide services in the facility.
- Headphones must be worn when listening to personal devices. No amplified sound.
- Mature and respectful conduct is expected and required at all times.
- All patrons must comply with staff directives. Disorderly conduct, abuse of the facility, equipment, or staff and/or disregard for the Recreation and Fitness Center’s policies will result in immediate dismissal from the facility. Additional sanctions may include: disciplinary action, reimbursement for damages and/or potential suspension from the facilities and programs. A user asked to leave by the staff will not be refunded any paid fees.
- All patrons must comply with staff directives. The University Recreation staff has authority regarding facility conduct and use of equipment as well as in all emergency situations. Failure to comply may result in suspension or termination of Recreation and Fitness Center privileges. Harassment or disregard of requests by the University Recreation Staff may result in immediate ejection from the facility and may result in additional disciplinary action.
- University Recreation is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Personal belongings are not permitted in activity areas and must be kept in a locker.
- Smoking, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vapes, juuls, alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs are not permitted in any area supervised by University Recreation. Facility rentals may be permitted to drink evaluated on a case by case basis.
- Use, distribution, or possession of any illicit drugs, unauthorized prescription drugs, alcohol or controlled substances is prohibited on the premises, and internal sanctions, federal and state legal penalties may result from violations.
- Mopeds, bicycles, hover boards, and electric scooters are not permitted inside the facility.
- Skateboards, roller-skates, rollerblades and non-electric scooters are not permitted for informal facility use.
- Animals are not permitted in the facility except for the express purpose of assisting or aiding persons with disabilities.
- Any announcements, fliers, posters, or any other marketing materials must be submitted to University Recreation Marketing for approval and to be displayed in the facility.
- No prolonged public displays of affection permitted in any areas of the Recreation and Fitness Center.
- Members are permitted to be accompanied by a Caregiver/Personal Attendant if they require physical assistance or constant supervision prior to, during, or after a workout session. Facility access for caregiver/personal attendants can be coordinated through member services.
- Fighting and/or profanity is prohibited.
- Weapons and firearms are prohibited.
- Lost and found items can be claimed at the Welcome Desk. Unclaimed lost and found items will be donated the month after they were turned in. Items of value will be sent to UPD.
- University Recreation Staff has the right to prohibit any outside fitness equipment.
- Please consult a physician prior to engaging in physical activity. University Recreation is not responsible for accidents or injuries that occur due to the nature of activity.
Indoor Pool
- The pool and spa water will be maintained according to the guidelines provided by the National Swimming Pool Foundation.
- Lifeguard directives need to be followed immediately.
- All participants are required to shower before entering the pool or hot tub.
- Participants may not enter the pool deck without a certified lifeguard on duty.
- Participants with open wounds and or infectious diseases are prohibited from using the pool.
- The pool may be cleared of participants during severe weather.
- Appropriate swimming attire (swimsuit) must be worn. Gym shorts, cut-off shorts, sports bras, thongs etc. are prohibited. A swim shirt may be worn to cover the upper body if desired.
- Non toilet trained children must wear swim diapers.
- Participants under the age of 16 must be directly supervised by a guardian, unless participating in URec programming.
- University Recreation is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Personal belongings are not permitted in activity areas and must be kept in a locker.
- Gum, food, and glass containers are prohibited in or around the pool. Water in plastic containers is acceptable.
- Spitting, spouting water, and blowing nose in the water is prohibited.
- Breath holding is prohibited.
- Participants are prohibited from hanging on the lane lines.
- Conducting group or private swim lessons without the consent of University Recreation is prohibited.
- University Recreation kickboards, pull buoys, flippers, dumbbells, etc. are for their intended purpose only. Limited personal flotation devices are available.
- When requested, lap swimmers will share lanes or circle swim in a counter-clockwise direction.
- Diving outside of designated areas, running on the decks, and horseplay in or around the pool is prohibited.
- At the discretion of the lifeguard, diving rings, balls and other toys may be used in the leisure pool but not in the vortex or lap lanes. Floating toys are prohibited in the hot tub, lap and vortex areas.
- Vortex capacity is 12 people.
- Climbing on or jumping over wall dividers is prohibited.
Hot Tub
- Pregnant women, elderly persons and/or persons, high blood pressure with known medical problems should not enter the hot tub without prior medical consultation and permission from their doctor.
- Participants under the age of 16 must be directly supervised by guardian, unless participating in URec programming.
- Children 5 years of age and under are not permitted in the hot tub.
- For your safety, limit use of hot tub to 15 minutes at one time.
- Submersion of face/mouth in the hot tub is prohibited for health and safety purposes.
- Hot tub capacity is 30 people.
Outdoor Pool
- Lifeguard directives need to be followed immediately.
- All participants are required to shower before entering the pool.
- Participants may not enter the pool deck without a certified lifeguard on duty.
- Participants with open wounds and or infectious diseases are prohibited from using the pool.
- The pool will be cleared of participants during severe weather. After each instance of visible lightning or audible thunder the outdoor pool will close for 30 minutes. The outdoor pool will also close during heavy rain if lifeguard visibility is impaired.
- Appropriate swimming attire (swimsuit) must be worn. Gym shorts, cut-off shorts, sports bras, thongs etc. are prohibited. A swim shirt may be worn to cover the upper body if desired.
- Non toilet trained children must wear swim diapers.
- Participants under the age of 16 must be directly supervised by guardian, excluding programming.
- Gum, food, and glass containers are prohibited in or around the pool. Water in plastic container is okay.
- Spitting, spouting water, and blowing nose in the water is prohibited.
- Breath holding is prohibited.
- Conducting group or private swim lessons without the consent of University Recreation is prohibited.
- University Recreation kickboards, pull buoys, flippers, dumbbells, etc. are for their intended purpose only. Limited personal flotation devices are available.
- Diving, running on the decks, and horseplay in or around the pool is prohibited.
- Climbing on or jumping over wall dividers is prohibited.
- Entrance and exit to the patio is through the facility, not through the outside gates.
- Doors to the Aquatic Center must remain closed at all times unless members are entering or exiting the patio.
- Clean and throw away any trash from your area before leaving.
- Do not sit or lean on tables.
- Smoking, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs is not permitted in or on the grounds of the University Recreation Center.
- No Frisbees, balls, horseplay, running, pets, skateboarding, rollerblades, etc.
- Headphones must be worn when listening to personal devices. No amplified sound.
- Climbing the patio fence is strictly prohibited.
Bocce Ball
- Please be aware of others waiting to use the bocce court.
- In the event of multiple groups wishing to use the bocce court, the winning team can stay and allow for a new challenger. This can continue unless a team has won 5 rounds, at which time we ask that both teams step away and allow for 2 new teams.
- The bocce ball court and patio will be closed during storms and cases of severe weather.
- If there is an issue with the court or the equipment, please alert a staff member so that we can solve the issue.
- Our bocce ball sets are to be used to play bocce ball only. Please do not use the equipment for any other activities or you will be asked to leave.
- Court space is lined for basketball, volleyball, soccer, and badminton.
- University Recreation programs take priority over informal recreation.
- Please note that exposed skin can be at risk to disease exposure. Therefore, we encourage participants to clean fitness equipment before and after use and be mindful of exposed skin. The following attire is required at all times:
- Clothing must be worn at all times that cover the chest, nipples, groin and buttocks through all ranges of motion (exceptions are the locker room areas and pool).
- Closed-toe, full back, athletic shoes with non-marking soles are required in all informal physical activity spaces.
- Inappropriate/vulgar language and behavior is not permitted.
- The use of tape or other marking materials is prohibited on the surface or walls of the courts unless permission granted by University Recreation Staff.
- Hanging on the rims or nets is prohibited due to the risk of injury and potential damage to the equipment.
- Softballs and baseballs are prohibited unless there is a scheduled event that would require the use of those items with prior approval by University Recreation Staff.
- Priority scheduling governs facility usage.
- Wood courts are lined for basketball, badminton and volleyball.
- Please note that exposed skin can be at risk to disease exposure. Therefore, we encourage participants to clean fitness equipment before and after use and be mindful of exposed skin. The following attire is required at all times:
- Clothing must be worn at all times that cover the chest, nipples, groin and buttocks through all ranges of motion (exceptions are the locker room areas and pool).
- Closed-toe, full back, athletic shoes with non-marking soles are required in all informal physical activity spaces.
- Water is permitted in non-breakable, closed containers only. Food, protein shakes or any other flavored/colored drinks are prohibited.
- Inappropriate/vulgar language and behavior is not permitted.
- The use of tape or other marking materials is prohibited on the surface or walls of the courts, unless permission granted by University Recreation Staff.
- Hanging on the rims or nets is prohibited due to the risk of injury and potential damage to the equipment.
- Footballs, softballs and baseballs are prohibited unless there is a scheduled event that would require the use of those items with prior approval by University Recreation Staff.
- Keep courts clear of bags and clothing. Personal belongings are not permitted in activity area and must be kept in a locker. Lockers are available free of charge.
- Priority scheduling governs facility usage.
- Only cloth jump ropes are permitted on wood floor.
- Climbers are required to check in prior to using the climbing wall. Climbers must pass the appropriate belay or lead climbing test before they can belay or lead climb. Climbers who pass the clinic and test will be issued a belay card; this card must be available or displayed every time they want to belay or lead climb at the wall.
- Belaying may only be performed using a University Recreation-approved climbing harness and belay device (ATC or Grigri). Barefoot belaying is prohibited.
- University Recreation’s climbing ropes, carabiners, belay devices, and other climbing equipment are required for use on the climbing wall. Personal climbing harness must be approved by climbing wall staff. University Recreation reserves the right to reject personal equipment deemed unsafe. Climbing equipment can be checked out at the Welcome Desk.
- Climbing barefoot is prohibited. Climbing shoes should be worn while climbing. Exceptions may be granted by climbing wall attendants. Climbing shoes must be removed prior to leaving the climbing area for restroom or other breaks.
- Climbers must tie in using the figure eight follow through. The use of a bowline, bowline on a bight, or other knots is prohibited for critical links in climbing applications.
- No climbing or bouldering above or below another person. When walking in the climbing area do not walk under a person who is climbing.
- Avoid climbing routes that interfere with others already on the climbing wall. The right-of-way is given to the first climber on the wall. If someone is bouldering, they have the right of way in front of someone trying to top rope/lead climb above them.
- Climbers on roped routes must follow the route path directly above their belay anchor. Traversing onto adjacent routes is prohibited with exception of designated lead climbs. These climbs branch into two paths; only one climber at a time may be on these routes.
- Jumping from the top of the bouldering area is prohibited. Bouldering problems that top out must be down climbed. Climbing over the wall structure for roped routes (this means above the top anchors) is prohibited.
- Lead climbers should not skip any quickdraws on a lead climb. Both top anchors must be clipped into prior to lowering at the completion of a lead climb.
- Grabbing or hanging from bolt hangers and quickdraws is prohibited.
- Use of chalk is limited to chalk balls. Loose chalk is prohibited.
- All rings and jewelry, headphones should be removed prior to climbing and pockets should be emptied. Long hair should be tied back when climbing roped routes. University Recreation is not responsible for any damage to jewelry or injury to the climber for failing to remove jewelry or securing loose hair/clothing.
- No one under the age of 18 may participate without a signed minor waiver. All climbers must read and sign the assumption of risk for the climbing wall prior to climbing.
- University Recreation reserves the right to suspend the privileges of anyone who refuses to climb in a safe and responsible manner concurrent with the rules and regulations stated above.
- Participants must be 16 years of age or older to utilize the Fitness Center.
- Please note that exposed skin can be at risk to disease exposure. Therefore, we encourage participants to clean fitness equipment before and after use and be mindful of exposed skin. The following attire is required at all times:
- Clothing must be worn at all times that cover the chest, nipples, groin and buttocks through all ranges of motion (exceptions are the locker room areas and pool).
- Closed-toe, full back, athletic shoes with non-marking soles are required in all informal physical activity spaces.
- Drinks are permitted in non-breakable, closed containers only. Notify staff immediately of spills to avoided damage and for cleaning. Food is prohibited.
- Please follow all safety precautions posted on fitness equipment.
- Fitness Center equipment must remain in the Fitness Center. Participants are prohibited from removing equipment and using it in other areas of the Recreation and Fitness Center.
- Participants are required to wipe off equipment after each use. Please spray cleaning solution onto cleaning towel and not directly onto equipment.
- Limit use of cardiovascular equipment to 30 minutes if others are waiting.
- Participants are required to re-rack all weights and return equipment to its appropriate location after use.
- Collars are recommended on all free bar lifts.
- Weights must be controlled at all times. Slamming or dropping of weights is prohibited.
- Improper use of equipment is prohibited. Improper use consists of but is not limited to standing on equipment, standing on weights, stacking weights under equipment and top loading equipment.
- Weights are not to be leaned against walls, columns, other equipment or mirrors.
- The use of chalk is prohibited.
- Participants not familiar with the operation of the fitness equipment can ask for assistance from trained University Recreation Staff.
- Personal trainers are available through University Recreation. Outside personal training is strictly prohibited.
- Immediately report any weight room related injury or facility/equipment irregularity to University Recreation Staff.
- Feet must stay on the ground at all times during weight training, this includes Olympic style lifts.
- Water is permitted in unbreakable, closed containers only.
- Equipment that is stored in the fitness studios/closets is for use only during scheduled group fitness classes or programs. Participants are prohibited from removing equipment from the Fitness Studios and using it in other areas of the Recreation and Fitness Center.
- Participants are required to disinfect and replace all fitness equipment in its appropriate storage location after each class.
- Conducting unapproved group fitness classes without the consent of University Recreation is prohibited.
- The use of tape or other marking materials is prohibited on the flooring of the Fitness Studios.
- The sound system and equipment is available for use only during scheduled group fitness classes in the Fitness Studios by properly trained fitness instructors.
- Proper workout attire is required for participation in classes in the Fitness Studios. Please note that exposed skin can be at risk to disease exposure. Therefore, we encourage participants to clean fitness equipment before and after use and be mindful of exposed skin. The following attire is required at all times:
- Clothing must be worn at all times that cover the chest, nipples, groin and buttocks through all ranges of motion (exceptions are the locker room areas and pool).
- Closed-toe, full back, athletic shoes with non-marking soles. Bare feet are appropriate only for classes that specify this need, including Pilates, Yoga, and Martial Arts.
- All games are first-come, first-serve. Limit playing time to 60 minutes if others are waiting.
- No outside/personal games should be played on University Recreation systems.
- All forms of gambling are prohibited.
- Report all problems to University Recreation Staff.
- Equipment accessories not housed in the Game Room can be checked out at the Welcome Desk.
- All equipment checked out from the Welcome Desk must be returned at the conclusion of play. Guests may not check out equipment.
- Leaning or sitting on gaming tables is prohibited.
- Inappropriate/vulgar language and behavior is not permitted.
- Footwear is required at all times.
- Ordering of any additional television programming is prohibited.
- Bathing suit dryer is for bathing suits only. Not workout clothes or towels.
- Cell phone use of any kind is strictly prohibited.
- Pregnant women, elderly persons and/or persons with known medical problems should not enter the steam room without prior medical consultation and permission from their doctor.
- Participants must be 16 years of age or older to use the steam room.
- It is recommended that due to high temperatures, steam room use should be limited to 15 minutes.
- Sleeping in the steam room is prohibited.
- Individuals must wear a bathing suit or be covered by a full-length towel while using the steam room.
- Individuals must shower before using steam room.
- Shower after using steam room if entering pool.
- Do not leave newspapers, magazines, or paper products in steam room.
- Do not pour liquids on the heating element, may cause fire or injury.
- Tampering with any equipment is prohibited.
- Children are not permitted in the locker room of the opposite gender. Individual Changing Rooms are available for child/parent needs.
- Closed-toe, full back, athletic shoes with non-marking soles are required. Any shoe that marks the court surface is prohibited.
- The use of tape or other marking materials is prohibited on the surface or walls of the courts.
- Participants are required to wear a shirt/top at all times.
- Racquet frame must have protective guard.
- Reservations may be made at the Welcome Desk or online and can be made the day of or 24 hours in advance of desired reservation. A 30 minute advance reservation time is required if court is occupied.
- If participants are not on the court within 10 minutes of reserved time, reserved court time will be forfeited.
- The Wallyball nets must be set-up and taken down by University Recreation Staff.
- Soccer balls, baseballs, softballs, footballs, etc. are prohibited in courts.
- Eye protection is highly encouraged during all sports.
- The use of racquet wrist strap when playing racquetball/squash is encouraged.
- No more than four participants on the court at one time for racquetball/squash/handball; no more than eight for Wallyball.
- Track is 1/8 of a mile long.
- Please note that exposed skin can be at risk to disease exposure. Therefore, we encourage participants to clean fitness equipment before and after use and be mindful of exposed skin. The following attire is required at all times:
- Clothing must be worn at all times that cover the chest, nipples, groin and buttocks through all ranges of motion (exceptions are the locker room areas and pool).
- Closed-toe, full back, athletic shoes with non-marking soles are required in all informal physical activity spaces.
- Run/Walk directions change daily and must be followed.
- The two inside lanes are designated for runners and the outside lane is designated for walkers.
- Give right of way to passing runners/walkers.
- The use of tape or other marking materials is prohibited on the surface or walls of the track.
- Stretching is allowed in designated area only. Do not stretch on track or use walls, railings, or door handles as stretching aids.
- Participants are not permitted to spit on the floors, walls or in the water fountains.
- Use of fitness equipment must be contained to stretching area. No equipment permitted on track lanes.
- Spectating lower level or blocking of the track lanes is prohibited.
- When all the bikes are rented out and one seeks to rent a bike, a patron will be added to the waitlist and be contacted when the next bike is available.
- If the next patron on the list is not able to be reached by phone and email during the day of contact, the next patron on the list will be contacted the following day.
- All bikes returned must remain at the ARC for at least 24 hours in order to receive proper maintenance. Most cases will require minor tune ups while other cases may require the bike to be sent off to a shop for repairs.
- If one seeks to rent out another bike after returning a bike, the patron will be added to the waitlist and be contacted as soon as a bike is available.