Program Information

The following are the recommended courses for completion of the prerequisites for admission* to the upper division BSN program. All students who are planning to pursue admission* to the upper division BSN program should contact the Director of Student Services for advisement, and review the Lower Division Nursing Advisement Guidelines.
*The term "admitted" refers to assessment of select criteria for upper division coursework as defined in the JSU Undergraduate catalog.
Area I | ||
EH 101 | English Composition | 3 SH |
EH 102 | English Composition | 3 SH |
Total | 6 SH | |
Area II | ||
Literature* | 3 SH | |
Literature* | 3 SH | |
Fine Arts Elective | 3 SH | |
EH 141 | Oral Communication | 3 SH |
Total | 12 SH | |
Area III | ||
BY 101/103 | Intro to Biology | 4 SH |
CY 115 | Concepts of General Chemistry I | 4 SH |
MS 112 | Pre Calculus Algebra | 3 SH |
Total | 11 SH | |
Area IV | ||
History* | 3 SH | |
History* | 3 SH | |
PSY 201 | Principles of Psychology | 3 SH |
PSY 222 | Human Development | 3 SH |
Total | 12 SH | |
Area V | ||
BY 263 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 SH |
BY 264 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 SH |
BY 283 | Health Microbiology | 4 SH |
FCS 322 | Normal Nutrition | 3 SH |
MS 204 | Basic Statistics | 3 SH |
NU 121 | Ethics in Nursing | 3 SH |
Total | 21 SH | |
Total Prerequisite Hours | 62 | |
* 3 hours required and must have a 6 hours sequence of either literature or history. |
Upper Division Nursing Courses :
For Students Entering Upper Division Fall 2019 and Thereafter
Junior Year | ||
1st Semester | ||
NU 306 | Pharmacology | 4 SH |
NU 309 | Health Assessment | 4 SH |
NU 311 | Foundation of Nursing Practice | 6 SH |
Total | 14 SH | |
2nd Semester | ||
NU 326 | Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing | 5 SH |
NU 325 | Adult Health in Secondary and Community Settings | 5 SH |
NU 322 | Health Deviations and Clinical Interventions | 3 SH |
Total | 13 SH | |
Summer | ||
NU 400 | Research and Outcomes Management | 2 SH |
Total | 2 SH |
Senior Year | ||
3rd Semester | ||
NU 404 | Childbearing Families | 5 SH |
NU 403 | Nursing Care of Children and Families | 5 SH |
NU 422 | Foundations of Nursing Leadership | 2 SH |
Total | 12 SH | |
4th Semester | ||
NU 424 | Adult Health in Secondary, Tertiary, and Community Settings | 5 SH |
NU 426 | Community Health Across the Lifespan | 5 SH |
NU 433 | Advanced Health Deviations and Clinical Interventions | 3 SH |
Total | 13 SH | |
5th Semester | ||
NU 428 | Practicum | 6 SH |
NU 455 | Transition to Professional Nursing | 4 SH |
NU 302 | Preparation for NCLEX Success | 3 SH |
Total | 13 SH | |
Total Upper Division Hours 67 | ||
Total Semester Hours 129 | ||
*If you are required to take the RISE course, please note that this course is not covered by Financial Aid. |
Advisement Guidelines (Lower Division)
A program checklist may be requested from an advisor.
The School of Nursing partners with Kaplan’s educational services to provide tutorials, case studies, quiz banks, and intuitive assessments, that focus on the fundamentals of becoming a nurse and the essential skills needed to pass the NCLEX. Students will use Kaplan every semester throughout the curriculum; therefore, this product is a mandatory requirement and not optional. The cost is approximately $232 per semester. Each semester, the Kaplan payment must be made with a credit or debit card within the first three weeks of the semester. This payment is non-refundable. The purchase of the Kaplan product is a course requirement for all students each semester they participate in the nursing program. If payment is not received by this date, Kaplan resources will be terminated, and the student will lose access. If a student does not have access due to nonpayment and misses an assignment in a course, the student will receive a zero for the assignment. If a student misses multiple assignments, the student may not be successful in passing the course. Students receiving financial aid, scholarships, etc. will be required to purchase the educational product and reimburse themselves once funds are received.
Semester 1 | $1,049.94 +tax |
Semester 2 | $662.51+tax |
Summer Semester | $186.91 +tax |
Semester 3 | $858.07 +tax |
Semester 4 | $676.55 +tax |
Semester 5 | $199.99 +tax |
(Estimated costs based upon current new book pricing. Prices may vary and are subject to change)
Tuition Costs and other university fees information can be found at on the Tuition and Fees page.
Note: All listed costs are estimates only and are always subject to change.
Special Upper Division Nursing Costs (Non Refundable)
Professional Nursing Fee
Semester 1 | $200.00 |
Semester 2 | $200.00 |
Semester 3 | $200.00 |
Semester 4 | $200.00 |
Semester 5 | $200.00 |
Total | $1,000.00 |
Health Insurance
(Required for participation in clinical practicum experiences)
You MUST have active insurance coverage that spans the entire semester enrolled. Each semester proof of health insurance is required. It is the student’s responsibility to choose health insurance. JSU does NOT offer health insurance.
Initial Health Appraisal (JSU Student Health Center)
Each student is required to have a physical and drug screen at the JSU Student Health Center. Student JSU ID card and health insurance card is required at appointment. Immunizations including two-step TB test, Hep B, MMR, etc., can be done at other agencies, however proof should be provided to the Student Health Center at appointment. Otherwise, two-step TB test and immunizations will be administered during appointment.
Miscellaneous Fees during Upper Division
$100-$150 for Miscellaneous Equipment (Student Nurse Uniform, stethoscope, shoes, etc)
$75-100 per semester for Skills and Course packs (supplies for check-offs)
Students admitted to upper division Nursing must demonstrate proficiency in Medical Terminology. After admission to upper division Nursing, students have three attempts to successfully obtain a score of 80% or greater proficiency on a Medical Terminology exam which is administered during the First Semester of Upper Division. If the student is unsuccessful after the third attempt, the student must then drop the course prior to the academic penalty date to avoid course failure and meet with their advisor to request re-tracking by the Admission and Progression Committee.
School Learning Outcomes (SLO's)
Upon completion of the Jacksonville State University School of Nursing programs, the student will be competent in and demonstrate critical thinking, therapeutic nursing interventions, effective communication and professional behavior.
- Critical thinking (CT) reflects skills in reasoning, analysis, evidence based practice, and decision making relevant to the discipline of nursing. Critical thinking encompasses knowledge, skills, and values from the arts and sciences to provide safe and quality care to diverse populations. Critical thinking integrates knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement, and safety in providing high quality health care. Critical thinking examines the role of financial and regulatory health policies and their effects on health care systems.
- Therapeutic Nursing Interventions (TNI) reflect the ability to safely perform theory and/or evidence based patient centered nursing interventions reflective of professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes. TNI reflect the synthesis of evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes and identify practice issues.
- Effective Communication (EC). Effective Communication reflects the students’ interpersonal relationship skills reflective of professional values/attitudes evidenced through effective written, oral and nonverbal communication, group process, use of information technology, and the ability to adapt communication to needs of the patient/family, colleagues, health care team and situation. Effective Communication reflects synthesis of communication and collaboration as an interprofessional team member to deliver high quality, safe patient centered care.
- Professional behavior (PB). The College of Health Professions and Wellness (CHPW) embraces the professional values promulgated by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the American Association of Nursing (ANA) Code of Ethics. Professional behavior expectations, in both classroom and clinical settings, include respect for all, a primary commitment to the patient, advocacy for the health, safety and rights of patients, responsibility and accountability for one’s own nursing practice, duty to self to maintain integrity, competence and professional growth, ownership of a healthy work/health care environment, contributions to the advancement of the profession, interprofessional collaboration, and the articulation of nursing’s values and the shaping of social policy.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) (Undergraduate)
Based on The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (AACN, 2009), graduates of the baccalaureate nursing program will be able to:
- Synthesize knowledge, skills, and values from the arts and sciences to provide safe and quality care to diverse populations. (Critical Thinking and Therapeutic Nursing Interventions)
- Integrate knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement, and safety in providing high quality health care. (Critical Thinking, Therapeutic Nursing Interventions, and Effective Communication)
- Synthesize evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes and identify practice issues. (Critical Thinking, Therapeutic Nursing Interventions, and Effective Communication)
- Synthesize knowledge and skills related to information management systems and patient care technology to deliver safe and effective evidence-based care. (Critical Thinking and Therapeutic Nursing Interventions)
- Examine the role of financial and regulatory health policies and their effects on health care systems. (Critical Thinking and Professional Behavior)
- Synthesize effective communication and collaboration as an interprofessional team member to deliver high quality, safe patient care. (Effective Communication and Professional Behavior)
- Analyze programs for health promotion, disease and injury prevention across the lifespan to improve individual, family, and population health (Critical Thinking and Therapeutic Nursing Interventions)
- Emulate core values associated with professionalism to ensure responsibility and accountability to the nursing profession. (Professionalism Behavior)
- Synthesize knowledge, skills, and values that ensure high quality, patient centered care. (Critical Thinking, Therapeutic Nursing Interventions, Effective Communication, and Professional Behavior)
Clinical Information
- Health Insurance Form
- PSI background check information |
- RMC Center for Occupational Health
Contact us:
Amber Law, Director of Clinical Services
(256) 782-8426 |
Jessica Rivera, RMC Occupational Health
(256) 231-2598
The STEP (Strategic Teaching for Enhanced Professional Preparation) RN-BSN program is an online baccalaureate completion program for students currently licensed as Registered Nurses.
Core Course Requirements
Written Composition (6 SH Required)
EH 101 English Composition 3 SH
EH 102 English Composition 3 SH
Humanities and Fine Arts (12 SH Required)
EH Literature I 3 SH
Fine Arts Elective 3 SH
Literature II, Humanities, or Fine Arts 3 SH
Humanities or Fine Arts 3 SH
Students must complete one course (3 SH) in literature and must have a 6 SH sequence (2 courses) either in literature or history.
Natural Sciences and Mathematics (11 SH Required)
BY 101/103 Introductory Biology I/Lab 4 SH
CY 105/107 General Chemistry I/Lab 4 SH
MS 112 Pre-calculus Algebra 3 SH
History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences (12 SH Required)
PSY 201 Principles of Psychology 3 SH
HY History I 3 SH
History II, Social Science, or Behavioral Science 3 SH
Social Science or Behavioral Science 3 SH
Students must complete one course (3 SH) in history and must have a 6 SH sequence (2 courses) either in history or literature.
Preprofessional, Major, and Elective Courses (21 SH Required)
BY 263 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 SH
BY 264 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4 SH
BY 283 Microbiology 4 SH
Preprofessional, Major, and Elective Courses 9 SH
The Alabama General Studies Articulation Agreement provides for alternatives in some prerequisite courses.
STEP RN-BSN Program Course Sequence
STEP RN-BSN program recognizes the past academic and experiential knowledge of the Registered Nurse. RNs are awarded 35 hours of STEP RN-BSN Nursing Credit after completion of first semester course work.
Semester 1
NU 313 STEP Nursing Orientation 0 SH
NU 345 Legal & Ethical Issues in Nursing 4 SH
NU 352 Health Assessment Across the Lifespan 3 SH
NU 339 Understanding Health Policy 2 SH
Semester 2
NU 350 Professional Roles and Issues 5 SH
NU 401 Research Outcomes Management for the Practicing Nurse 3 SH
NU 423 Nursing Management and Leadership 3 SH
Semester 3
NU XXX Elective (Choose one: NU 343, NU 442 or NU 439) 3 SH
NU 390 Health Informatics 3 SH
NU 456 Population Based Health Care 6 SH
School Learning Outcomes (SLO's)
Upon completion of the Jacksonville State University School of Nursing programs, the student will be competent in and demonstrate critical thinking, therapeutic nursing interventions, effective communication and professional behavior.
- Critical thinking (CT) reflects skills in reasoning, analysis, evidence based practice, and decision making relevant to the discipline of nursing. Critical thinking encompasses knowledge, skills, and values from the arts and sciences to provide safe and quality care to diverse populations. Critical thinking integrates knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement, and safety in providing high quality health care. Critical thinking examines the role of financial and regulatory health policies and their effects on health care systems.
- Therapeutic Nursing Interventions (TNI) reflect the ability to safely perform theory and/or evidence based patient centered nursing interventions reflective of professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes. TNI reflect the synthesis of evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes and identify practice issues.
- Effective Communication (EC). Effective Communication reflects the students’ interpersonal relationship skills reflective of professional values/attitudes evidenced through effective written, oral and nonverbal communication, group process, use of information technology, and the ability to adapt communication to needs of the patient/family, colleagues, health care team and situation. Effective Communication reflects synthesis of communication and collaboration as an interprofessional team member to deliver high quality, safe patient centered care.
- Professional behavior (PB). The College of Health Professions and Wellness (CHPW) embraces the professional values promulgated by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the American Association of Nursing (ANA) Code of Ethics. Professional behavior expectations, in both classroom and clinical settings, include respect for all, a primary commitment to the patient, advocacy for the health, safety and rights of patients, responsibility and accountability for one’s own nursing practice, duty to self to maintain integrity, competence and professional growth, ownership of a healthy work/health care environment, contributions to the advancement of the profession, interprofessional collaboration, and the articulation of nursing’s values and the shaping of social policy.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) (Undergraduate)
Based on The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (AACN, 2009), graduates of the baccalaureate nursing program will be able to:
- Synthesize knowledge, skills, and values from the arts and sciences to provide safe and quality care to diverse populations. (Critical Thinking and Therapeutic Nursing Interventions)
- Integrate knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement, and safety in providing high quality health care. (Critical Thinking, Therapeutic Nursing Interventions, and Effective Communication)
- Synthesize evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes and identify practice issues. (Critical Thinking, Therapeutic Nursing Interventions, and Effective Communication)
- Synthesize knowledge and skills related to information management systems and patient care technology to deliver safe and effective evidence-based care. (Critical Thinking and Therapeutic Nursing Interventions)
- Examine the role of financial and regulatory health policies and their effects on health care systems. (Critical Thinking and Professional Behavior)
- Synthesize effective communication and collaboration as an interprofessional team member to deliver high quality, safe patient care. (Effective Communication and Professional Behavior)
- Analyze programs for health promotion, disease and injury prevention across the lifespan to improve individual, family, and population health (Critical Thinking and Therapeutic Nursing Interventions)
- Emulate core values associated with professionalism to ensure responsibility and accountability to the nursing profession. (Professionalism Behavior)
- Synthesize knowledge, skills, and values that ensure high quality, patient centered care. (Critical Thinking, Therapeutic Nursing Interventions, Effective Communication, and Professional Behavior)
School Learning Outcomes (SLO's)
Upon completion of the Jacksonville State University School of Nursing programs, the student will be competent in and demonstrate critical thinking, therapeutic nursing interventions, effective communication and professional behavior.
- Critical thinking (CT) reflects skills in reasoning, analysis, evidence based practice, and decision making relevant to the discipline of nursing. Critical thinking encompasses knowledge, skills, and values from the arts and sciences to provide safe and quality care to diverse populations. Critical thinking integrates knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement, and safety in providing high quality health care. Critical thinking examines the role of financial and regulatory health policies and their effects on health care systems.
- Therapeutic Nursing Interventions (TNI) reflect the ability to safely perform theory and/or evidence based patient centered nursing interventions reflective of professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes. TNI reflect the synthesis of evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes and identify practice issues.
- Effective Communication (EC). Effective Communication reflects the students’ interpersonal relationship skills reflective of professional values/attitudes evidenced through effective written, oral and nonverbal communication, group process, use of information technology, and the ability to adapt communication to needs of the patient/family, colleagues, health care team and situation. Effective Communication reflects synthesis of communication and collaboration as an interprofessional team member to deliver high quality, safe patient centered care.
- Professional behavior (PB). The College of Health Professions and Wellness (CHPW) embraces the professional values promulgated by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the American Association of Nursing (ANA) Code of Ethics. Professional behavior expectations, in both classroom and clinical settings, include respect for all, a primary commitment to the patient, advocacy for the health, safety and rights of patients, responsibility and accountability for one’s own nursing practice, duty to self to maintain integrity, competence and professional growth, ownership of a healthy work/health care environment, contributions to the advancement of the profession, interprofessional collaboration, and the articulation of nursing’s values and the shaping of social policy.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) (MSN-Population Health)
- Synthesize theories from the humanities and the natural, behavioral, and applied sciences which support advanced clinical practice and role development. (Critical Thinking, Therapeutic Nursing Interventions, and Professional Behavior); (MSN Essentials I and Essential II)
- Develop advanced practice expertise to affect positive health care outcomes for vulnerable populations. (Critical Thinking and Therapeutic Nursing Interventions); (MSN Essential IX)
- Assume accountability for ethical values, principles, and personal beliefs that acknowledge human diversity and influence professional practice decisions and nursing interventions. (Critical Thinking, Therapeutic Nursing Interventions, Effective Communication and Professional Behavior); (MSN Essential VIII)
- Employ effective communication and technology within the multidisciplinary collaborative context of advanced community health nursing practice. (Therapeutic Nursing Interventions, Effective Communication, and Professional Behavior); (MSN Essentials V and VII)
- Design cost-effective interventions/strategies collaboratively with multiple disciplines for the purpose of providing quality health care within the community. (Therapeutic Nursing Interventions and Effective Communication); (MSN Essential III)
- Evaluate research findings for the development and implementation of evidence-based practice guidelines. (Therapeutic Nursing Interventions and Effective Communication); (MSN Essential IV)
- Evaluate health care issues, trends, and policies for application to the health status of communities. (Therapeutic Nursing Interventions, Effective Communication and Professional Behavior); (MSN Essential VI)
School Learning Outcomes (SLO's)
Upon completion of the Jacksonville State University School of Nursing programs, the student will be competent in and demonstrate critical thinking, therapeutic nursing interventions, effective communication and professional behavior.
- Critical thinking (CT) reflects skills in reasoning, analysis, evidence based practice, and decision making relevant to the discipline of nursing. Critical thinking encompasses knowledge, skills, and values from the arts and sciences to provide safe and quality care to diverse populations. Critical thinking integrates knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement, and safety in providing high quality health care. Critical thinking examines the role of financial and regulatory health policies and their effects on health care systems.
- Therapeutic Nursing Interventions (TNI) reflect the ability to safely perform theory and/or evidence based patient centered nursing interventions reflective of professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes. TNI reflect the synthesis of evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes and identify practice issues.
- Effective Communication (EC). Effective Communication reflects the students’ interpersonal relationship skills reflective of professional values/attitudes evidenced through effective written, oral and nonverbal communication, group process, use of information technology, and the ability to adapt communication to needs of the patient/family, colleagues, health care team and situation. Effective Communication reflects synthesis of communication and collaboration as an interprofessional team member to deliver high quality, safe patient centered care.
- Professional behavior (PB). The College of Health Professions and Wellness (CHPW) embraces the professional values promulgated by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the American Association of Nursing (ANA) Code of Ethics. Professional behavior expectations, in both classroom and clinical settings, include respect for all, a primary commitment to the patient, advocacy for the health, safety and rights of patients, responsibility and accountability for one’s own nursing practice, duty to self to maintain integrity, competence and professional growth, ownership of a healthy work/health care environment, contributions to the advancement of the profession, interprofessional collaboration, and the articulation of nursing’s values and the shaping of social policy.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) (Doctor of Nursing Practice)
- Practice nursing at the highest level, demonstrating knowledge, skills, and attributes essential to advanced practice in the designated pathway for advanced practice. (Essential VI, VII, and VIII; DLOs CT, TNI, PB, and EC)
- Analyze, lead, and manage complex and diverse health care organizations and be responsive to a changing health care environment. (Essential II, II, IV, VI, and VII; DLOs CT, PB, and EC)
- Function as nurse scholars to advocate and insure quality outcomes based care utilizing evidence to guide best practice. (Essential I, III, IV, V, VI, and VIII; DLOs CT, TNI, PB, and EC)
- Apply information and patient care technology to transform patient care delivery. (Essentials II, III, IV, VI, and VIII; DLOs CT, TNI, PB, and EC)
- Participate in development of health care policy and lead as an advocate for improvements in the health care system. (Essentials II, V, VI, and VII; DLOs CT, PB, and EC)
- Participate in interprofessional teams as leader and consultant to deliver optimal, evidence-based care to patients and populations. (Essentials II, III, IV, VI, VII, and VIII; DLOs CT, TNI, PB, and EC)
- Design and apply evidence-based strategies for clinical prevention and population health to improve the nation's health. (Essentials III, IV, V, VI, and VII; DLOs CT, PB, and EC)