Dr. Renée L. Baptiste
Head, David L. Walters Department of Music
Mason Hall 272
A member of the faculty at JSU since 2005 and a professor of music, Dr. Baptiste has taught undergraduate and graduate music education courses. She directed the JSU Show Choir, Encore! for 15 years until 2020. Her current duties include serving as head of the David L. Walters Department of Music and Director of Music Education. Prior to joining the JSU music faculty, Dr. Baptiste taught at Southern University Illinois Edwardsville (SIUE). She also taught K-12 general music and choral classes in the Alachua County School District in Gainesville, FL.

Courses Taught
- MU 511 Research Methods in Music and Music Education
- MU 545 Evaluation in Music
- PhD University of Florida, Music Education
- MM Eastman School of Music, Music Education
- BM William Carey University, Music Education
Academic & Research Interests
- Dr. Baptiste's research interests include the male adolescent changing voice, music preferences of adolescents in middle school general music, implicit bias in the music classroom, and the music of William L. Dawson.
Other Responsibilities
- Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) 2023 Career and Technical Education State Courses of Study Committee and Taskforce
- CNAfME, advisor
- Delta Omicron Music Fraternity, advisor
Publications and Presentations
Baptiste, Renée. L., and E. C. Hoffman. “Johnny-O & Sally Anne!” InTeaching Music through Performance in Choir, Vol. 4, edited by Jo-Michael Scheibe,435. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2017.Baptiste, Renée. L., and E.C. Hoffman. “The baby’s dance. InTeaching Music through Performance in Choir, Vol. 4, edited by Jo-Michael Scheibe,155. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2017.Baptiste, Renée. L., and E. C. & Hoffman. “The ways of love.” InTeaching Music through Performance in Choir, Vol. 4, edited by Jo-Michael Scheibe,502. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications.Baptiste, Renée and Zenia Agustin. “Folk Song Preference of General Music Students in Middleand Junior High School.” Kodály Envoy 35, no. 4 (1999): 4-9.
Stone, Staci, and Renée Baptiste. “Creating Classroom Space for Action.” Poster session at theAAC&U Conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success, New Orleans, LA,March 2022.Stone, Staci, Maureen Newton, and Renée Baptiste. “Nurturing Resilienceand Diversity in New Learning Spaces.” Presentation at the SACSCOC Annual Meeting(Virtual), December 3, 2021.Baptiste Renée, and Jeremy Stovall. “Hidden Figures: A Case for Equity and Opportunity in theAmerican Symphony Orchestra.” Presentation at the Georgia Music EducatorsAssociation In-service Conference, Athens, GA, January 2020.Baptiste, Renée, and Jeremy Stovall. “Hidden Figures: A Case for Equity and Opportunity in theAmerican Symphony Orchestra. Presentation at the College Music Society SouthernRegional Conference, Orlando, FL, March 2019.Baptiste, Renée, and Jeremy Stovall. (2019, January). Hidden Figures: A Case for Equity andOpportunity in the American Symphony Orchestra. Poster session at the Alabama MusicEducators Association Conference, Birmingham, AL, January 2019.Baptiste, Renée. “The Enhancement of Learning Styles through the use of African AmericanMusic. Presentation at the Southern Region Conference of the College Music Society,Loyola University, New Orleans, LA, February 2010