Gamecock Orientation

Welcome to the JSU Gamecock Orientation (GO!) Program! This is the place to get your college career off to a great start!
First-year students under the age of 25 are required to attend GO! before beginning their first semester at Jacksonville State University. We look forward to introducing you to a campus community filled with academic opportunities, rich traditions, and friendly people.
Our GO! Leaders can't wait to meet and get to know you. These enthusiastic guides know the JSU experience inside and out, and they are committed to providing you with all the tools you need to achieve academic and personal success. Each Orientation session is designed to meet the needs of you and your family so that you may grow and thrive at JSU.
Orientation is just the beginning of a very exciting time in your life; we hope that your GO! experience will be a most enriching and rewarding way to start your JSU journey!
Our Goals for You:
- Introduce the JSU undergraduate community to you from an academic AND personal perspective.
- Provide information and assistance to you and your family so that you may succeed academically and develop socially.
- Utilize GO! Leaders who can share their own experiences with you as a source of support and information.
- Introduce you to fellow new students in small group settings so that you may begin forging new relationships.
- Provide information on the variety of student services offered on campus so that you will feel comfortable navigating the university on your own.