The concept behind tutoring services at Jacksonville State University is to model high-quality, effective academic skills, provide content-specific supplemental instruction, and create a connection to the institution. Tutors must combine their content knowledge with empathy, honesty, hard work, humility, and humor. A tutor should possess a passion for the teaching and learning process. A tutor’s goal is to help students LEARN to help themselves and to assist or guide students to the point at which they become independent learners.
- Tutoring is available for any JSU student for most core courses
- Tutoring is FREE as long as you are a JSU student
- Students will need to schedule an In-Person or Virtual Tutoring appointment using JSU Navigate
- In-Person Appointments will take place in the Student Success Center, located at the Houston Cole Library, 2nd Floor (256-782-8223)
- Virtual Tutoring is available at tutor.com (please see below for more information)
How to Schedule a Tutoring Appointment
Student Success Center Tutoring Schedule
Spring 2025 Tutoring Schedule
Students should contact tutoring@jsu.edu if they have any questions, or schedule an appointment using the JSU Navigate link in My Jax State or by using the Navigate Student app.
What is Tutoring?
Tutoring is about more than helping a student with homework. Tutoring is a service provided that ultimately helps students become independent, active learners. As a tutor, you are helping students develop skills that will help them learn on their own so that they can be academically successful. Your responsibility is to guide the student to their own understanding.
Student Expectations
- Students should attend tutoring sessions prepared with books, notes, attempted homework, questions, supplies, syllabi, past quizzes, etc.
- Students should be as specific as possible about what they are hoping to achieve during the tutoring session. Ask questions and listen to suggestions.
- Students should attempt homework on their own before bringing it to a tutor to help; a tutor cannot complete homework for students.
- Students should understand that tutors are not required to complete homework assignments or reteach course content during tutoring sessions.
- Students should be respectful to all tutors, students, and SSC facilities.
- Students should be active participants during the tutoring session.
Tutor Expectations
- Be punctual, supportive, and professional
- Answer questions to the best of their abilities
- Work WITH students, not for students
- Be knowledgeable about other available campus resources that can assist students
- Set clear expectations about the session and encourage students to be independent learners
- Offer a positive attitude and be respectful diverse perspectives and learning styles
- Tutors do NOT correct your homework, projects, OR take-home exams. They will provide useful comments and suggestions to help foster independent learning.
- Tutors do NOT try to predict what a student’s grade will be on an assignment and cannot speak for the instructor. Students should ask their instructors for any clarification on an assignment/grade.
- Students should arrive on time for scheduled appointments. If a student is late, no extra time will be added to the appointment; the appointment will end at the scheduled time. After 15 minutes, students will be marked as a no-show.
- Students can cancel their appointment up to 1 hour before the scheduled start time. If they cancel after the 1-hour cutoff, they will be marked as a no-show.
- If a student no-shows two times within a week, they must contact cburtonmomon@jsu.edu to reinstate appointment privileges.
- Students can have up to 4 tutoring appointments scheduled at one time. If you need additional appointments, please contact cburtonmomon@jsu.edu.
Tutor.com (online tutoring)
Online learning support provided by tutor.com and the Writing Center.
The Student Success Center is pleased to announce a partnership with tutor.com to provide online learning support to students each semester. Tutor.com provides students with access to over 3,000 online tutors and appointment availability 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Subjects cover a wide variety of course types including math, science, world languages, computer science, nursing and health sciences, history and social sciences, literature, and business. Writing support will continue to be offered by the JSU Writing Center.
How to Access Tutor.com
Goals of Tutoring
- To assist students in becoming independent learners
- To identify the student’s area(s) of concern
- To assist students in developing academic enabling behaviors and study skills
- To assist students in achieving a higher level of competence in subject area
- To assist students in becoming active in the learning process
- To identify students’ preferred learning styles and implement corresponding learning strategies
- To communicate openly and clearly any concerns about how the tutoring sessions are being conducted
Interested in Becoming a Tutor?
- Minimum of 3.0 college GPA required
- Must have earned an A or B in courses you wish to tutor
- Must have completed at least one full-time semester at JSU
- Must be enrolled for at least 3 credit hours at JSU per fall or spring semester
- Applicants must attach an unofficial copy of the student’s transcript or class registration to the online application as evidence of enrollment
- Must be willing to tutor during evening hours and during times that do not conflict with class schedule
- Must submit a faculty recommendation form.
Tutor Appointment Cancellations
Student Success Center tutors must submit a student staff absence form to request approval from the Tutor Coordinator. An absence will not be approved until the form has been processed and the tutor receives a confirmation response. If tutors have questions or concerns regarding this process, they can contact Candi Momon, Tutor Coordinator, at cburtonmomon@jsu.edu or at 256.782.8306.
All other JSU tutors not employed by the Student Success Center must contact their departments to cancel appointments.