Domestic/Dating Violence

What is Domestic Violence?

A relationship where one or both partners use physical, sexual or emotional violence to try to get power or control over the other person.

Examples of Domestic Violence

  • Intimidating,
  • Manipulating,
  • Frightening,
  • Threatening,
  • Humiliating,
  • Isolating,
  • Terrorizing, and/or
  • Hurting, Injuring, or Wounding Someone.

What is Dating Violence?

A pattern of assaultive and controlling behaviors that one person uses against another to gain or maintain power and control in the relationship. 
  • It can also include “digital abuse”-the use of social media, cell phones and etc. To intimidate, harass, threaten or isolate a victim. 

Seeking Help

If you are being abused by a spouse or partner:

  1. Get to a safe place.
  2. Call the police as soon as possible by dialing 256-782-5050 or 911.

If someone you know is being abused by a spouse or partner:

  1. Don’t be afraid to offer help.
  2. Approach the victim in an understanding, non-blaming way.
  3. Acknowledge that it is scary and difficult to talk about domestic/dating violence.
  4. Share information about local resources.
  5. Support the victim as a friend.
  6. Help the victim report the assault to the police.
  7. Ask if they have suffered any physical harm. Go with them to the hospital to check for injuries.