Gaus Alam
Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems
139 Ayers Hall
Dr. Alam’s research interest includes information security behavior, and technology adoption. He is the ABET accreditation coordinator for the Computer Science (CS), and Computer Information Systems (CIS) programs at Jacksonville State University. He has recently led the Data Science committee for the implementation of the Data Science concentration and minor at JSU and designed all the required Data Science courses for the tracks. He is one of the Co-PIs for a $1.5 million NSF Jump Start STEM grant dedicated to the Data Science concentration and minor at JSU. Dr. Alam (“Gaus”) is originally from Bangladesh and has been teaching at JSU since 2006.

Courses Taught
- CS 201 Introduction to Information Systems
- CS 230 Fundamentals of Computing
- CS 305 Spreadsheet Modeling
- CS 306 Introduction to Data Science
- CS 307 Management of Information Security and Forensics
- CS 309 Introduction to E-Commerce
- CS 311 Management Information Systems
- CS 315 Introduction to Web Design
- CS 325 Web Scripting (JavaScript)
- CS 415 Dynamic Web Design (PHP-MySQL)
- CS 425 Web Development using Web Services
- CS 445 Predictive Analysis
- CS 488 Database Systems
- CS 538 Business Intelligence and Data Mining
- CS 525 Advanced Web Development using Web Services
- CS 591 Special Topics in Computer Science
- Ph.D. in Business Administration with concentration in Management Information Systems (MIS) from Texas Tech University in 2019
- M.S. in Computer Systems and Software Design from Jacksonville State University in 2005
- Bachelor of Business Administration in MIS and Marketing (double major) from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2001