Timothy A. Wyatt

  • Timothy A. WyattUndergraduate: Jacksonville State University, 2010, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science; Minor in History
  • Law School: Faulkner University, Thomas Goode Jones School of Law, 2014
  • Current Employer: Deputy District Attorney, 5th District, Roswell, New Mexico
  • Ways the JSU Pre-Law Program helped prepare you for law school: Some of the classes that were beneficial to me in preparing me for law school are: Politics and Film taught by Dr. Tim Barnett and Political Theory taught by Dr. Jeff Taylor. The Political Theory class is still helpful to this day when crafting opening and closing arguments. Additionally, history classes that gave me a broad view of Western Civilization and seeing how politics and the law developed were helpful. Attorneys must make analogous arguments all the time, whether child support hearings or seeking a permanent injunction against something – people understand history and historical references.
  • Advice for those considering law school: My advice for students wanting to attend law school would be to get the best score on the LSAT. Do not settle. I also recommend that students start writing for fun, even if just keeping a daily journal where they can practice describing things, using words they are not familiar with, and improve their typing skills. Law school classes usually only give a final exam and a students’ grades depends on his or her ability to write what they are thinking clearly and concisely, but also critically to covey the steps they would take even if they do not know the correct answer.