Chase Arnold

Undergraduate: Jacksonville State University, 2017, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Minor in History
Law School: University of Alabama School of Law, 2020
Current Employer: I have recently started my own law firm, Chase A. Arnold Law, LLC, in Anniston, Alabama. My practice areas are personal injury, criminal defense, family law, and wills & estates.
What Courses Helped Prepare You for Law School? Model Arab League; Model United Nations; Constitutional and Criminal Law courses; The Judicial Process. All these courses helped me in either public speaking or learning the basics about the law and how to read and analyze it. If you plan on going to law school, no matter your major, I highly recommend taking most or all of these courses during your time at Jacksonville State University.
Advice for Those Preparing For Law School: My advice would be to take courses that focus on learning the basics about American law, especially as it relates to case law. Additionally, you should take courses that are outside of your comfort zone to better prepare you to think outside of the box. I would also recommend taking as many courses as possible that improve your writing skills.
Other Comments Related to Law School or a Career in the Legal Field: I would simply say that, as it relates to law school, go in treating it like a full-time job that often requires overtime. This is especially true for the first year. At first it will seem overwhelming. This could be especially true if you are a first-generation lawyer, which is the case for me. With that being said, please continue to do things that you enjoy, whether it be working out, playing music, going to football games if you attend The University of Alabama School of Law (Roll Tide!) or watching your favorite TV show. This will help avoid what many refer to as “burn-out.”
Any Additional Comments About JSU Or The Pre-Law Program? I highly recommend being involved in the pre-law program if law school is a possibility for you. This is true no matter what your major is at Jacksonville State. The pre-law program especially helped me in preparing for the LSAT. Whenever Jacksonville State University is hosting a practice LSAT exam, take advantage of it and see how you do on the exam, even if you have not had the chance to study for the real exam. You will be amazed at how much you have improved after a few practice tests and a few weeks of studying for this exam.