Standing Committees
Members of each of the University Standing Committees are appointed by the president at the beginning of each academic year.
Standing Committees and Members
Charge: The committee will regularly review issues associated with the welfare of student athletes participating in intercollegiate athletics in affiliated conference and NCAA sports to ensure that the University and the Athletics Department maintain the proper balance between participation in athletics and academic achievement. The committee will do a periodic review of the Athletics Department’s policies and procedures, Student-Athletes Handbook, compliance with NCAA and affiliated conference rules and regulations, academic services, admissions profiles, financial affairs, gender equity and equal opportunity policies and practices, and general reputation and performance of its academic and athletic goals.
The Athletic Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
- University Counsel
- Faculty Athletic Representative
- Athletic Director
- Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Chief of Police and Director of Public Safety
- Associate Athletic Director
- Assistant Athletic Director (Senior Woman Administrator)
- Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance
- Director of Financial Aid
- Director for Athletics Philanthropy and the Gamecock Athletic Foundation
- Director of Undergraduate Admissions
- Assistant Registrar
- Dean of Students
- Women’s Softball Coach
- Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Current membership:
- Vacant, University Counsel
- Dr. Jan Case, Department Head, Mathematics, Computing, and Information Sciences (Co-Chair and Faculty Athletic Representative)
- Mr. Greg Seitz, Athletic Director
- Dr. Christie Shelton, Provost/SVPAA
- Mr. Michael Barton, Chief of Police and Director of Public Safety
- Mr. Greg Bonds, Associate Athletic Director
- Ms. Tracy Broom, Assistant Athletic Director (Senior Woman Administrator)
- Ms. Misty Ray, Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance
- Ms. Charlotte Cole, Director of Financial Aid
- Mr. Mike Smith, Director for Athletics Philanthropy and the Gamecock Athletic Foundation
- Ms. Lauren Findley, Director of Undergraduate Admissions
- Mr. Todd Wilson, Assistant Registrar
- Mr. Joshua Robinson, Dean of Students
- Ms. Jana McGinnis, Women’s Softball Coach
- Dr. Maureen Newton, Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Charge: The Budget Committee (BC) is an advisory committee under the co-leadership of the Senior Vice President of Finance & Administration and an appointed faculty member. All committee members are appointed by the President and include student government representatives, faculty, and administrators. The committee develops tuition recommendations and participates in the integrated budgeting development process.
The Budget Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
- Senior Vice President of Finance & Administration/CFO (Co-Chair)
- Associate Dean, College of Business & Industry
- Controller
- Associate Vice President Auxiliary and Business Services
- Director, Housing Operations
- Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
- Director, Procurement and Fixed Assets
- Director, Advancement Services
- Senior Associate Director, Athletics
- Dean of Students
- Director, Enterprise Info Systems
- Assistant Registrar, Administration & Operations
- Director, Financial Aid
- Associate Controller, Student Accounts
- Dean, Library Services
- Assistant Director of Graduate Studies
- Department Head, History and Foreign Languages
- Dean, College of Arts, Humanities, and Sciences
- Faculty Senate President
- SGA President
Current membership:
- Dr. Arlitha Harmon, Senior Vice President of Finance & Administration/CFO (Co-Chair)
- Dr. Mark Hearn, Associate Dean, College of Business & Industry (Co-Chair)
- Mr. David Lyon, Controller
- Mr. Kevin Hoult, Associate Vice President Auxiliary and Business Services
- Ms. Brooke Lyon, Director, Housing Operations
- Ms. Jessica Wiggins, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
- Ms. Denise Hunt, Director, Procurement and Fixed Assets
- Mr. Justin Quinn, Director, Advancement Services
- Mr. Greg Bonds, Senior Associate Director, Athletics
- Mr. Joshua Robinson, Dean of Students
- Ms. Kristin Bright, Director, Enterprise Info Systems
- Ms. Tori Gaddy, Assistant Registrar, Administration & Operations
- Ms. Charlotte Cole, Director, Financial Aid
- Ms. Alice Wudarczyk, Associate Controller, Student Accounts
- Mr. John-Bauer Graham, Dean, Library Services
- Ms. Ashley Hanvey, Assistant Director of Graduate Studies
- Dr. Paul Beezley, Department Head, History and Foreign Languages
- Dr. Tim Lindblom, Dean, College of Arts, Humanities, and Sciences
- Dr. Heidi Dempsey, Faculty Senate President
- Ms. Kaitlyn Letson, SGA President
- Keith Lowe, Distinguished Professor of Business Statistics
- Susan Dunbar, Assistant Professor of Music
- David Dempsey, Professor of Mathematical Computing Info Science
Charge: Jacksonville State University values the importance of shared governance to achieve the mission and strategic plan of the institution. As such, the JSU Committee Management Committee is tasked with the oversight and accountability of the shared governance system. The Committee Management Committee will ensure that all standing committees are fulfilling the duties they are charged with and reporting accurate minutes and annual reports. The Committee Management Committee, through committee chairs, will also recommend committee members to the President at the end of each academic year to ensure the success of shared governance at JSU.
The Committee Management Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
- Athletic Committee Chair
- Budget Committee Chair
- Dean of Students
- Vice Provost
- Enrollment Management Committee Chair
- IRB Committee Chair
- IACUC Committee Chair
- Program Review Committee Chair
- Strategic Plan Review Committee Chair
- Technology Advisory Committee Chair
- Undergraduate Admissions Standards Committee Chair
- Undergraduate Admissions Appeals Committee Chair
- University Executive Council Chair
- University Safety Committee Chair
- University Wellness Committee Chair
- Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
Current membership:
- Mr. Joshua Robinson, Dean of Students (Co-Chair)
- Dr. Staci Stone, Vice Provost (Co-Chair)
- Mr. Greg Seitz, Athletic Director, Athletic Committee Chair
- Mr. Michael Barton, Chief of Police and Director of Public Safety, University Safety
- Committee Chair
- Dr. Sarah Donley, Associate Professor of Sociology, IRB Committee Chair
- Dr. Arlitha Harmon, Vice President for Finance and Administration and CFO, Budget Committee Chair
- Mr. Vinson Houston, Vice President for Information Technology, Technology Advisory Committee Chair
- Dr. Tracey Matthews, Dean of the College of Health Professions and Wellness, Program Review Committee and Wellness Committee Chair
- Dr. Rusty Nall, Assistant Professor of Psychology, IACUC Committee Chair
- Dr. Christie Shelton, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, University Executive Council Chair
- Ms. Jessica Wiggins, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, Enrollment Management Committee Chair
- Lauren Findley, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Undergraduate Admissions Standards Committee Chair
- Marie Valentin, Assistant Vice Provost, Strategic Plan Review Committee Chair
Charge: The charge of the enrollment management committee is to: (1) examine student recruitment practices at the undergraduate and graduate levels; (2) evaluate scholarship opportunities to ensure we are meeting the needs of our students; (3) analyze marketing efforts to ensure resources are being utilized effectively and efficiently; (4) maximize student retention efforts; and (5) identify any infrastructure needs or deficiencies creating student barriers and provide recommendations on addressing them.
The Enrollment Management Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
- Assistant Vice Provost for Advising
- Director, Online@JSU
- Vice President, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
- Director, Financial Aid
- Associate Director of Scholarships, Financial Aid
- Director, Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment
- Director, International House & Programs
- Chief Marketing Officer
- Assistant Director, Graduate Studies
- Director, Technology Support Center
- Vice Provost, Student Success
- Director, Enrollment Initiatives
- Director, Military & Post-Traditional Student Services
- Coordinator, Bridge Program & Placement
- Assistant Athletic Director, Compliance
- Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness
- Registrar
- Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management
- Assistant Controller, Student Accounts
- Interim Associate Department Head, Department of Teacher Education
- Department Head, Kinesiology
- Department Head, Chemistry & Geosciences
- Senior Lead Advisor, College of Health Professions and Wellness
- Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies
- SGA President
- Assistant Professor of Business Statistics
Current membership:
Dr. Janet Bavonese, Assistant Vice Provost for Advising
Mr. Chris Casey, Director, Online@JSU
Mr. Terry Casey, Vice President, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
Ms. Charlotte Cole, Director, Financial Aid
Mr. Logan DeBoer, Associate Director of Scholarships, Financial Aid
Ms. Lauren Findley, Director, Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment
Ms. Ingrid Galinat, Director, International House & Programs
Mr. Tim Garner, Chief Marketing Officer
Ms. Ashlee Hanvey, Assistant Director, Graduate Studies
Vacant, Director, Technology Support Center
Mr. Tim King, Vice Provost, Student Success
Ms. Kelly Martin, Director, Enrollment Initiatives
Mr. Justin Parker, Director, Military & Post-Traditional Student Services
Ms. Gina Glass, Coordinator, Bridge Program & Placement
Ms. Misty Ray, Assistant Athletic Director, Compliance
Dr. Marie Valentin, Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Ms. Emily White, Registrar
Ms. Jessica Wiggins, Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management
Ms. Alice Wudarczyk, Assistant Controller, Student Accounts
Dr. Christie Calhoun, Interim Associate Department Head, Department of Teacher Education
Dr. Gina Mabrey, Department Head, Kinesiology
Dr. Joe Morgan, Department Head, Chemistry & Geosciences
Ms. Tricia Nelson, Senior Lead Advisor, College of Health Professions and Wellness
Dr. Kimberly White, Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies
Ms. Kaitlyn Letson, SGA President
Dr. Falynn Turley, Associate Professor of Business Statistics
Charge: The primary purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects involved in research activities being conducted under the authority of Jacksonville State University (JSU). In doing so, the IRB shall adhere to the JSU Policy on Research Using Human Subjects (Policy II:08:01).
The Institutional Review Board shall consist of the following voting members:
- Five faculty members
- One external committee member
Current membership:
- Dr. Sarah Donely, Associate Professor of Sociology (Chair)
- Dr. Douglas Stevens, Assistant Professor of Nursing (Doctor of Nursing Practice Quality Improvement Subcommittee Chair)
- Dr. Sharifah Albraiki, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
- Dr. Wesley Bishop, Assistant Professor of History
- Dr. Russell Hammack, Associate Professor of Secondary Education
- Dr. Mary Anne Templeton, Associate Provost, Troy University
Charge: The Jacksonville State University (JSU) Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is charged with developing, implementing, and monitoring procedures which assure that the use of animal subjects in research, teaching, or testing at JSU is ethical and in compliance with the United States Public Health Service policy on humane care and use of laboratory animals (Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare) and the Animal Welfare Act (United States Department of Agriculture).
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
- Five faculty members (at least one practicing scientist with experience in animal research and at least one member from a non-scientific background)
- Members within JSU will be selected from different departments whenever possible to ensure diversity in member expertise and reduce the likelihood of overlapping conflicts of interest.
- A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine with training and experience in laboratory animal science or experience with subjects used at JSU
- One member from the public who is not affiliated with JSU
Current membership:
- Dr. Rusty Nall, Assistant Professor of Psychology (Chair)
- Dr. Grover Brown, Assistant Professor of Biology
- Ms. Allison Boswell, Assistant Professor of Library Services
- Dr. Gabriel Lonsberry, Assistant Professor of English
- Dr. Mark Sciuchetti, Associate Professor of Geography
- Dr. Pam Ryan, Clanton Animal Hospital
- Dr. Joyce Tredaway, Whitetail Institute
Charge: The Program Review Committee, under the guidance of the Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness, is charged with overseeing the Evaluation Process as specified in Principle 7.1 of the SACSCOC Resource Manual, communicating Program Review process to academic and non-academic units, managing and tracking Program Review report cycles, evaluating and recommending improvements (if necessary) to the Program Review process, assisting in the development and delivery of Program Review training to stakeholders, and guiding Program Review stakeholders through the writing process.
The Program Review Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
- One dean, two department heads, two faculty members, and one staff member
- One representative from the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Current membership:
- Dr. Tracey Matthew, Dean, College of Health Professions and Wellness (chair)
- Dr. Tina Deshotels, Department Head, Sociology
- Prof. Jodi Poe, Department Head, Library Services
- Vacant, Faculty Representative
- Vacant, Faculty Representative
- Ms. Courtney Peppers, Director, Learning Services and Analytics
- Mr. Blake Hunter, Assistant Director, Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Charge: The Strategic Plan Review Committee will review progress made on the strategic plan. The committee will meet once an academic year to review the details of the plan, improve reporting, and make recommendations for minor modifications to the plan, if necessary, and present them to Cabinet.
The Strategic Plan Review Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
- President
- Assistant Vice Provost, Institutional Research and Effectiveness
- Coordinator of Institutional Effectiveness
- Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment
- Assistant Dean of Student Life
- Student
- Comptroller
- Faculty Senate member
- Department Head Council member
- Deans Council member
- Associate Director Athletics - Compliance
- Director of Disability Resources
- Philanthropy Officer
- Director of Technology Support
Current membership:
- Don Killingsworth, President
- Marie A. Valentin, Assistant Vice Provost Institutional Research and Effectiveness
- Mandy Abernathy, Coordinator Institutional Effectiveness
- Lauren Findley, Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment
- Franshay Garrett, Assistant Dean Student, Student Life
- Kaitlyn Letson, Student
- David Lyon, Comptroller
- Dan Mertens, Professor, Management and Marketing
- Celestino Valentin, Interim Department Head/Professor, Management and Marketing
- John-Bauer Graham, Dean, Library Services
- Thomas Neely, Assistant Director, Athletics-Compliance
- Sean Creach, Director, Disability Resources
- Joseph Munster, Sr. Philanthropy Officer
- Vacant, Director of Technology Support
Charge: Information Technology (CIO) as it relates to campus technology. The committee will discuss technology issues, gaps, and needs while assisting in the prioritization, resource allocation, and roadmap development for medium to long-term IT projects. The committee will be comprised of stakeholders from the academic and administrative units. Meetings will be conducted quarterly or on an as-needed basis.
The Technology Advisory Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
- Vice President for Information Technology
- Associate Vice President for Information Technology
- Director, Student Success Technology
- Learning System App Administrator, Online@JSU
- Director, Faculty Commons
- Director, Financial Aid
- Operations Coordinator, Business Services
- Digital Content Manager, Web Services
- Four Faculty Representatives
Current Membership:
- Mr. Vinson Houston, Vice President for Information Technology
- Mr. Brad McGriff, Associate Vice President for Information Technology
- Ms. Kimberly Hudgins, Director, Student Success Technology
- Ms. Shelena Cofield, Learning System App Administrator, Online@JSU
- Ms. Mica Mecham, Director, Faculty Commons
- Ms. Charlotte Cole, Director, Financial Aid
- Mr. Jonathan Summerlin, Operations Coordinator, Business Services
- Ms. Kate Hamby, Digital Content Manager, Web Services
- Dr. Arup Ghosh, Associate Professor of Computer Science
- Dr. Khadeidra Billingsley, Assistant Professor, English
- Ms. Dominique Maywald, Assistant Professor, Social Work
- Dr. Jenna Ridlen, Assistant Professor, Biology
Charge: The Undergraduate Admissions Committee is responsible for collecting data on how admissions criteria are related to enrollment, retention, graduation rates, enrollment-related revenue, and enrollment-related expenditures. Based on these data, they will make recommendations to the Board of Trustees, via the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (after discussion with the President and Cabinet), for new or revised criteria for undergraduate admissions.
The Undergraduate Admissions Standards Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
- One faculty member from each of the following: College of Business and Industry, College of Health Professions and Wellness, College of Education and Professional Studies, and College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (recommended by Faculty Senate)
- One faculty Member, Arts and Humanities (from College of Arts, Humanities and Sciences)
- One Faculty Member, Math/Sciences (from College of Arts, Humanities and Sciences)
- Department Head, English
- Department Head, Mathematical, Computing, and Information Sciences (MCIS)
- Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee)
- Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (or designee)
- Vice Provost for Student Success
- Director, Learning Services & Analytics
- Director, Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment
- Director, Financial Aid
- Senior Vice President for Finance & Administration (or designee)
- Two undergraduate students (appointed by SGA)
- Member of the Faculty Senate Student Retention Committee
- Director, Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (or designee)
Current Membership:
- Vacant, College of Business and Industry representative
- Vacant, College of Health Professions and Wellness representative
- Vacant, College of Education and Professional Studies representative
- Vacant, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences representative
- Vacant, Arts and Humanities (from College of Arts, Humanities and Sciences) representative
- Vacant, Math/Sciences (from College of Arts, Humanities and Sciences) representative
- Dr. Raina Kostova, Department Head, English
- Dr. Jan Case, Department Head, Mathematical, Computing, and Information Sciences (MCIS)
- Dr. Christie Shelton, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee)
- Mr. Terry Casey, Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (or designee)
- Mr. Tim King, Vice Provost for Student Success
- Ms. Courtney Peppers, Director, Learning Services & Analytics
- Ms. Lauren Findley, Director, Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment
- Ms. Charlotte Cole, Director, Financial Aid
- Dr. Arlitha Harmon, Senior Vice President for Finance & Administration (or designee)
- Vacant, Two undergraduate students (appointed by SGA)
- Dr. Marie Valentin, Director, Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (or designee)
Charge: The Undergraduate Admissions Appeals Committee is an annual committee comprised of an odd number of faculty, staff, and the SGA president who offer a variety of backgrounds and expertise. The committee will determine the admissions decisions of undergraduate students who do not meet JSU’s admissions requirements.
The Undergraduate Admissions Appeals Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
One faculty representative from each of the following colleges: College of Business and Industry, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and College of Health Professions and Wellness
Two faculty members from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Sciences
Four representatives from the Student Success Center
One representative from the Office of the Registrar
SGA President
Current membership:
- Dr. Brent Cunningham, Dean, College of Business and Industry
- Dr. Taylor Ellis, Assistant Professor of Social Work
- Dr. Allen Gilbert, Associate Professor Sport Management
- Dr. Andrea Porter, Department Head, English
- Dr. Mark Sciuchetti, Associate Professor of Geography
- Ms. Kaitlyn Letson, SGA President
- Ms. Alesha Orman, Assistant Director, Military and Post Traditional Student Services
- Mr. Keaton Glass, Director, 1st and 2nd Year Experience
- Ms. Michelle Green, Director of Student Athlete Development
- Ms. Lynne Hollingsworth, Disability Specialist
- Ms. Geraldine Mendiola, Coordinator, Testing Services
Charge: The University Executive Council represents all divisions of the university and serves as the main administrative unit that recommends university policy to the President. The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs serves as chair of the University Executive Council and establishes additional standing and ad hoc committees as deemed necessary. Policy work is conducted via an electronic system with meetings occurring as needed. College deans shall serve two-year terms.
The University Executive Council shall consist of the following voting members:
- Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration and CFO
- Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
- Vice President for Information Technology
- Vice President for Philanthropy
- Athletic Director
- Chief External Affairs Officer
- Three College and Academic Deans (appointed by the Provost/SVPAA)
- Vice Provost for Student Success
- Vice Provost
- Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management
- Dean of Students
- Director of Human Resources
- Controller
- Associate Vice President for Auxiliary and Business Services
- SGA President
- Faculty Senate President
- Staff Council President
- Chief Internal Auditor
- University Counsel
- Executive Assistant to the Provost, Academic Affairs
Current membership:
- Dr. Christie Shelton, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (Chair)
- Dr. Arlitha Harmon, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration and CFO
- Mr. Terry Casey, Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
- Mr. Vinson Houston, Vice President for Information Technology
- Dr. Alan Medders, Vice President for Philanthropy
- Mr. Greg Seitz, Athletic Director
- Ms. Leigha Cauthen, Chief External Affairs Officer
- Dr. Kimberly White, Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies
- Dr. Tracey Matthews, Dean, College of Health Professions and Wellness
- Dr. Timothy King, Vice Provost for Student Success
- Dr. Maureen Newton, Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Dr. Staci Stone, Vice Provost
- Ms. Jessica Wiggins, Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management
- Mr. Joshua Robinson, Dean of Students
- Ms. Allison Casey, Director of Human Resources
- Mr. David Lyon, Controller
- Dr. Kevin Hoult, Associate Vice President for Auxiliary and Business Services
- Ms. Kaitlyn Letson, SGA President
- Dr. Heidi Dempsey, Faculty Senate President
- Mr. Michael Barton, Staff Council President
- Mr. Skip Clark, Chief Internal Auditor
- Vacant, University Counsel
- Mr. David Washburn, Executive Assistant to the Provost, Academic Affairs
Charge: The University Safety Committee (USC) shall assist the President of Jacksonville State University (JSU) in carrying out the responsibility for ensuring the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors of JSU and ensuring the university is in compliance with all state and federal regulations regarding safety, health and environmental protection.
The University Safety Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
- Director, Public Safety, University Police Department
- Assistant Director, Emergency Management, University Police Department
- Coordinator, Campus Relations, University Police Department
- Sergeant, Campus Resource Unit, University Police Department
- Director, Capital Planning & Facilities
- Building Inspection, O&M Maintenance
- Director, Human Resources
- Enrollment Management Representative
- Director II, University Housing
- Assistant Director, Residence Life Housing
- Drama Technical Director
- Manufacturing Engineer
- CEPS Complex Representative
- CHPW South Complex Representative
- CHPW Kennamer/Stephenson Representative
- Coordinator, Chemistry Lab & Lab Safety
- Coordinator, Biology Lab & Lab Safety
- College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Representative
- University Library Representative
- Disability Resources Representative
- Information Technology Representative
- University Advancement Representative
- Athletics Representative
- Director, Strategic Partnerships & Special Projects
- McClellan Representative
- Chief Internal Auditor
- General Counsel
- Associate Vice President, Business & Auxiliary Services
- Safety Officer/Building Project Manager
- VP of Organizational Affairs (SGA)
Current Membership:
- Mr. Michael Barton, Director, Public Safety, University Police Department (Co-Chair)
- Ms. Elizabeth Morrow, Assistant Director, Emergency Management, University Police Department (Co-Chair)
- Mr. Adam Green, Coordinator Campus Relations, University Police Department
- Mr. Stephen Curvin, Sergeant, Campus Resource Unit, University Police Department
- Mr. David Thompson, Director, Capital Planning & Facilities
- Mr. Dusty Cowan, Building Inspection, O&M Maintenance
- Ms. Allison Casey, Director, Human Resources
- Ms. Sarah Engle, Assistant Director, Campus Visits, Enrollment Management
- Ms. Brooke Lyon, Director II, University Housing
- Mr. Ellis Collins, Assistant Director, Residence Life Housing
- Mr. John Davis, Drama Technical Director
- Ms. Natalia Esparrrogoza Rivas, Manufacturing Engineer
- Dr. Christi Trucks, Department Head, Career Technical Education and Professional Studies, CEPS Complex Representative
- Dr. Rachel Wooten, Assistant Professor, Nursing, South Complex Representative
- Dr. Gregor Kay, Assistant Professor, Kinesiology, Kennamer/Stephenson Representative
- Ms. Bernice Robinson, Coordinator, Chemistry Lab & Lab Safety
- Ms. Megan Meade, Coordinator, Biology Lab & Lab Safety
- Vacant, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Representative
- Ms. Kimberly Stevens, Professor, Library
- Mr. Sean Creech, Director, Disability Resources
- Ms. Diane Winson, Coordinator, Stewardship & Donor Engagement
- Mr. Derrick Baer, Coordinator, Athletic Operations
- Mr. Brandon Barnes, Systems Administrator, Systems and Security
- Mr. Pete Conroy, Director, Strategic Partnerships & Special Projects
- Mr. Kaleb Littlejohn, Executive Director, Center for Best Practices in Law Enforcement
- Mr. Skip Clark, Chief Internal Auditor
- Vacant, General Counsel
- Mr. Kevin Hoult, Associate Vice President, Business & Auxiliary Services
- Ms. Patsy Smolik, Safety Officer/Building Project Manager
- Ms. Tanaya Fairbanks, VP of Organizational Affairs (SGA)
Charge: The purpose of the Gamecock Wellness Initiative is to intentionally embed well-being into the culture of Jacksonville State University. By working together, students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders can have a collective impact on the well-being of our campus and the region we serve.
The University Wellness Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
- Administration and Finance (3 members)
- Human Resources
- Capital Planning
- Auxiliary Services
- Student Affairs (3)
- Counseling Serivices
- Multicultural Affairs
- Student Wellness Advisory Rep
- Academic Affairs
- Colleges (5)
- Athletics (1)
- Advancement (2)
- Marketing & Web Services
- Recreation Services
Current Membership:
- Dr. Tracey Matthews, Dean of the College of Health Professions and Wellness (Co-Chair)
- Mr. Joshua Robinson, Dean of Students
- Ms. Bethany Latham, Distinguished Professor, Digital Assets & Special Collections Library
- Dr. Kyoko Johns, Professor, Teacher Education
- Mr. Kwan Baker, Academic Advisor
- Mr. Mike Polascik, Athletic Trainer
- Mr. Jameson Houston, HR Recruitment Coordinator
- Dr. Gina Mabrey, Department Head of Kinesiology
- Ms. Julie Nix, Instructor of Social Work
- Mr. Dominic DiMauro, Director of University Recreation
- Ms. Tekeisha Goggins, Social Work