Stakeholder Engagement
- Conduct stakeholder interviews.
- Review job descriptions & associated organizational charts.
- Analyze current staff classification and job groups/families/sub-families.
- Analyze the Faculty Compensation Committee recommendations.
- Assist with retention supplements & public safety base adjustments
- Propose Total Compensation Philosophy and Peer Groups for Administrative, Staff, and Faculty reviews.
- Job classification meetings with HR, Cabinet, Deans, and designated department representatives to discuss requested changes and finalize job classifications.
- Conduct market assessment and pay equity study.
- Propose initial Faculty Compensation recommendations to the Faculty Compensation Committee.

Pay Structure Redesign
- Meet with Faculty and department representatives to review each area’s proposed job architecture including job titles, job family, job subgroup and job level for feedback.
- Provide revised pay scales that promote equity.
- Review the Faculty Compensation Committee's feedback.
Proposal Review
Distribute all-campus update communication.
Review and make modifications based on campus feedback, as appropriate.
Review the Faculty Compensation Committee and Staff Council feedback.
Final Recommendation
Conduct stakeholder interviews.
Present recommendations with fiscal year budget.
Distribute new Staff job classification letters with pay adjustments, if applicable.
Process PageUp and Banner job description and compensation configurations/changes.
Timeline at a Glance
Initiative |
Engagement |
Retention Supplement |
Mktg. Analysis & Benchmarking |
Pay Structure Redesign |
Proposal Review |
Recommendations |
Campus Communication |
View the Text Version of the Timeline
Note: The above timeline is an estimation and may be subject to change. Updates and communications will be available on this website.
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