Faculty Senate Committees
Charge: This committee shall notify and work with departments who need to hold elections to elect new Senators, investigate contested elections, solicit the faculty to find members who are willing to serve on university-level committees and forward these names to the Executive Committee, and determine apportionment of Senators among the departments.
- CHPW Representative, Stacy Mikel (Chair)
- CAHS Representative, Rashad Ahmed
- CBI Representative, Billy Hankins
- CSBS Representative, Chris Murtagh
- Library Representative, Allison Boswell
- CEPS Representative, Erica Hardy
- Faculty Senate Vice President, ex-officio (voting), David Dempsey
Charge: This committee shall appoint members of Faculty Senate committees, may serve as an ad hoc committees, and shall recommend faculty members to serve on committees and commissions appointed by the President or Provost.
- Faculty Senate President, Heidi Dempsey (Chair)
- Faculty Senate Vice President, David Dempsey
- Faculty Senate Secretary, Chris Clark
- Faculty Senate Historian, Barbie Norvell
- Faculty Senate Past-President, vacant
- Chair, Advocacy Committee, Jenna Ridlen
- Chair, Elections Committee, Stacy Mikel
- Chair, Policies and Campus Planning Committee, David Thornton
- Chair, Student Retention Committee, Allen Gilbert
Charge: This committee shall review and provide recommendations for additions and revisions to the JSU Faculty Handbook and other related policies and procedures which affect faculty welfare and morale.
- Jenna Ridlen (Chair)
- Stacey Gill
- Brianna Turgeon
- Shellie Beeman
- Lance Ingwersen
- Wendy Key
- Faculty Senate Vice President, ex-officio (voting), David Dempsey
Charge: This committee shall review and provide recommendations for additions and revisions to the JSU Policies and Procedures Manual. Additionally, they will consider proposals and provide recommendations regarding the development and expansion of the university, such as outlined in the campus master plan and strategic plan, to include consideration of space needs and utilization, building of new buildings, parking, budgetary requirements, and expanded degree offerings.
- David Thornton (Chair)
- Yajun Lu
- Chris Hosmer
- Paul Robertson
- Laura Barrow
- Arjola Balilaj
- Faculty Senate Vice President, ex-officio (voting), David Dempsey
Charge: This committee shall review and provide recommendations for additions and revisions to policies and procedures pertaining to students as they progress through their academic career. Such policies and procedures include, but are not limited to, admission and retention of students, academic standing requirements, graduation requirements, class attendance and absence regulations, student advising, faculty mentoring of students, student mental and physical health services, and student safety. This committee shall serve as a liaison to Student Success and Academic and Career Advising.
- Allen Gilbert, Chair
- Natalie Freeman
- Andres Crawley
- Jess Godbey
- Tray Ridlen
- Randal Blades
- Faculty Senate Vice President, ex-officio (voting), David Dempsey