Rashad Ahmed
Associate Professor
106 Stone Center
Dr. Rashad Ahmed is a linguist with a multidisciplinary background in TESOL and Composition Studies. He has been granted several awards, fellowships, and scholarships, which included his Fulbright scholarship 2013 to 2017, the Applied Linguistics Concentration Award, and a Summer Fellowship from the University of Memphis. He has a wide range of research interests that involve Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Language Assessment, Digital Literacy, TESOL Methods, Sociolinguistics, and First-Year Composition. Among his recent publications are Enhancements and Limitations to ICT-Based Informal Language Learning: Emerging Research and Opportunities and Peer Review in Academic Writing: Different Perspectives from Instructors and Students.

Courses Taught:
- EH 101 English Composition I
- EH 141 Speech
- EH 307 English Grammar
- EH 308 Introduction to Linguistics
- EH 441 The History of the English Language
- Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from The University of Memphis in 2018
- Graduate Certificate in TESL/TEFL from The University of Memphis in 2017
- M.A. in Applied Linguistics from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in 2015
- Bachelor of Education in English from Taiz University in 2010
Other Responsibilities
- Assessment Committee
- Teaching Effectiveness Committee
- Social Committee
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
- Faculty Senate