Matthew Hill
Adjunct Faculty
258 Mason Hall
Mr. Hill came to Jacksonville State University as a freshman in 2011. During his undergraduate studies, he was a member of the Marching Southerners, a staff writer for The Chanticleer, and a tutor in ACE. After graduating with his Master of Arts in English, he started teaching at JSUin the fall of 2019. He has a special interest in Queer literature, contemporary poetry, and pedagogy.

Courses Taught
- EH 101 English Composition I
- EH 102 English Composition II
- EH 105 Enhanced English Composition I
- EH 106 Enhanced English Composition II
- EH 141 Oral Communication
- EH 201 American Literature I
- INS 365 Special Topics: Queer Arts and Culture
- M.A. in English from Jacksonville State University in 2019
- B.A. in English from Jacksonville State University in 2016
Other Responsibilities
- Safe Zone Facilitator