Kimberly Southwick-Thompson
Assistant Professor
218 Stone Center
Dr. Southwick-Thompson is a poet; she is also the founder and Editor in Chief of the literary arts journal GIGANTIC SEQUINS. Her full length poetry collection, ORCHID ALPHA, is forthcoming from Trembling Pillow Press. She has been a featured reader at the Open Mouth Poetry Festival and Dogfish New Orleans Reading Series. Her most recent published poetry chapbook is EFS AND VEES from Hyacinth Girl Press, and her micro-chap LAST TO BET: THE NEAR SONNETS was published by Ghost City Press in Summer 2020. Her research interests include studies in genre and hybridity, feminist studies, and American poetry.

Courses Taught:
- EH 195 Explore Seminar (Hip Hop, Poetry, and Race in America)
- EH 101 English Composition I
- EH 102 English Composition II
- EH 105 Enhanced English Composition I
- EH 201 American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865
- EH 202 American Literature II: 1865 to Present
- EH 220 Honors Literature II
- EH 251 Introduction to Creative Writing
- EH 307 English Grammar
- EH 325 Major Authors (Emily Dickinson)
- EH 352 Creative Writing: Poetry
- EH 354 Creative Writing: Special Topics (Environmental Writing)
- EH 355 Publishing Practicum
- EH 570 Special Problems
- Ph.D. in English and Creative Writing from University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2020
- M.A. in English from New York University in 2009
- B.F.A. in Writing Literature and Publishing from Emerson College in 2006
Other Responsibilities
- Writers Club and Something Else Literary Journal Faculty Sponsor
- Reading Series Committee
- GASP! Liaison for the English Department
- Recruitment and P.R. Committee