Christy Burns
Distinguished Instructor
214 Stone Center
Ms. Burns started teaching at JSU in 2003 as an adjunct instructor and was hired full time in 2004. In 2007, she was included in Who's Who Among America's Teachers. She is the recipient of the Clyde P. Cox Award (May 2009) and the James Woodall Award (Association of College English Teachers of Alabama, ACETA, 2018). In October 2019, Mrs. Burns earned the promotion of Distinguished Instructor.

Courses Taught:
- EH 101 English Composition I
- EH 102 English Composition II
- EH 105 Enhanced English Composition I
- EH 106 Enhanced English Composition II
- EH 141 Speech
- EH 201 American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865
- EH 202 American Literature II: 1865 to Present
- EH 322 Technical Writing
- EH 323 Writing for the Workplace
- EH 325 Major Authors (Edgar Allan Poe)
- EH 348 Composition and Speech
- EH 426 Edgar Allan Poe
- M.A. in English from Jacksonville State University in 2003
- B.A. in English and Spanish from Shorter College in 2001
Other Responsibilities
- Writers Bowl Committee
- Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Faculty Recognition Committee Chair
- Teaching Effectiveness Committee Co-Chair
- Integrated Studies Undergraduate Advisor