Ashley Rattner
Assistant Professor
113 Stone Center
Specializing in early and nineteenth-century American literature and culture, Dr. Rattner studies reform, dissent, utopian radicalism, performance, and print. She is currently at work on a book manuscript titled "The Crass Materiality of Utopia: Publishing Communitarian Reform in Nineteenth-Century America." Dr. Rattner’s scholarship appears in Nathaniel Hawthorne Review and is forthcoming in J19. She has published reviews in Los Angeles Review of Books, Journal of American Studies, African American Literature and has a review forthcoming in Communal Societies. She served as a short-term research fellow at the Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library in 2019 and has delivered public lectures at the Maine Historical Society and Heritage Alliance. At present, Dr. Rattner co-chairs the C19 Podcast.

Courses Taught:
- EH 101 English Composition I
- EH 201 American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865
- PhD, Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Memphis, 2018
- MA, English, University of Memphis, 2013
- BA, English, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2010
Other Responsibilities
- Reading Series Committee
- Literature Survey Committee
- Social Committee