Dr. Barbie Norvell
Pod 5, 105A, CEPS Complex
Dr. Norvell is currently the Early Childhood Program Chair, and oversees the Early Childhood Alternative Masters program and the Early Childhood Class A Traditional program. She is a NAEYC Higher Education program reviewer and has conducted accreditation site reviews for several universities across the country. She is also the Secretary for the International Play Association/USA branch and serves as a board menber for the organization. She was part of the steering committee for the Alabama Standards for Early Learning & Development and does consulting work for the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education. She lives in Jacksonville with her husband of 16 years, Errol.

Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses
- ECE 303 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
- ECE 306 Practicum in Early Childhood
Graduate Courses
- ECE 500 Methods & Materials for Early Childhood Education
- ECE 510 Math & Science for the 21st Century Educator
- ECE 530 Practicum in Young Children
- ECE 513 Individualized Instruction for Early Childhood
- ECE 501 Behavior and Development in Early Childhood
- ECE 540 Intervention in Early Childhood
- RDG 542. Strategic Reading Across the Curriculum
- ED 595 Internship
- ED 596 Professional Practices
- Ph.D. 2006, Early Childhood Education Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
- Concentration in Early Childhood Theory and Teacher Education.
- Dissertation: An Examination of the Effects of Recess on Children’s Use of Written Symbol Representations. Dissertation Committee: Edna G. Brabham (chair), Janna Dresden, David Shannon, Maria Whitte. This is study is designed to focus on the effects of denying recess on cognitive performance, specifically writing, in First Grade children from a low performing school.
- Ed.S, 2004, Early Childhood Education Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
- Field Project: A review of research on the effects of recess deprivation and the relationship of those behaviors on children’s cognitive performance.
- M. A., 2000, Early Childhood Education Piedmont College, Demorest, Georgia
- Thesis: DeLight in nature: A practical guide for outdoor classroom usage.
- B.S., 1989, Early Childhood Education Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
Academic and Research Interests
- Recess: Play & Play Environments
- Project Based Learning Environments
- Curriculum Theory, Curriculum Models
- Children’s Representations and the Development of the Symbolic Function
- Moral Development of young children and classroom management practices based on that development- Conscious Discipline
Other Responsibilities
- Early Childhood/Elementary Advisor 2016- present
- Early Childhood Alt-A Advisor 2017-present
- Early Childhood Program Chair 2021-present
- SOE Publications Committee 2017-2021
- Service Excellence Committee 2018-2019
- Faculty Senator 2023-present
Publications and Presentations
Grants and Sponsored Research
- Norvell, B., Trucks, C., Marsh, J. (2021). TS Gold Facilitator Training Project. Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education. $30,000.00.
- Bavonese, J. & Norvell, B. (2019-2020). Early Head Start Research Project. Alabama Department of Early Childhood. $15,000.00
- Norvell, B. (Fall 2019). Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Grant. Alabama Department of Early Childhood.
- Norvell, B (SP 2019). Peabody Picture Vocabular Test Grant. Alabama Department of Early Childhood.
- Norvell, B. (FA 2018). Peabody Picture Vocabular Test Grant. Alabama Department of Early Childhood.
- Norvell, B. (SP 2018) Peabody Picture Vocabular Test Grant. Alabama Department of Early Childhood.
- Norvell, B. (2015). Excellence Grant. Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education. $45,000.00
- Norvell, B., Jones, C., Ratcliff, N. (2008-2009). SOTL Grant: Inquiry Based Teaching. $7,500.
Scholarly and/or Creative Contributions:
Conferences Attended: Presentations
- Norvell, B. (2021). Using Conscious Discipline to Rebuild Connections with Students after Covid. Presented at Jacksonville State University Faculty Commons, September 8th.
- Norvell, B. (2021). Conscious Discipline: A Management System for Everyone. East Alabama Works, Region 2, Conference. July 2021.
- Calhoun, C., Norvell, B., (2019) Co-Teaching, Collaboration, and University Partnerships: InnovativePractices that Support Students. National Conference of Co-Teaching. Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 2019.
- Norvell, B. & Weathers, A. (2017). Student led conferences. CORE academy, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Tx.
- Connor, C. & Norvell, B.(2017) Assistive technologies in early education. US Play Coalition. Clemson University. April 2-5. CORE academy. Jacksonville State University. June 6-8.
- Norvell, B., Benton, S. (January 5, 2016). Playing with a Purpose: Deconstructing the Role of Play in Preschool Classrooms. Presented at the Alabama First Class Pre-K Conference. Mobile, Alabama. January 4-6, 2016. Alabama Early Childhood Leadership Summit. (February 19, 2015). Montgomery, Al.
- Atkins, L., Jarrett, O., Maxwell, D., Norvell, B. (2014). A look at current trends and research in r ecess. US Play Coalition. Clemson Univesity, Feb.2-5.
- Jarrett, O. Atkins, L. Busch, JC., Cemore, J., Duarte, G., Guddemi., Norvell, B., Snyder, S.. Practicing Play: Making Advocacy Easy. Presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children conference, Dallas, Tx., November, 2008.
- Jarrett, O., Atkins, L., Burllingame, H., Busch, JC., Cemore, J., Eckoff, A., Norvell, B., Reese- Learned, H., Skrupskelis, A. Play: A call for advocacy. Presented at The Association of the Study of Playconference, Phoenix, AZ., March, 2008.
- Norvell, B. The Effects of recess on children’s use of written symbols to improve comprehension in read-aloud stories. A paper accepted at the International Reading Association conference, February, 2009.
- Norvell, B. The effects of recess on children’s use of written symbol representation. Research forum presented at ACEI conference, Atlanta, Ga., March 2007.
- Ratcliff, N. & Norvell, B. Early childhood share-a-thon. South Carolina Science Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC, November 2006.
- Murray, B., Brabham, E., Norvell, B., Paleologos, T. Does onset-rime or body-coda blending better help kindergarteners to decode words? Paper presented at the National Reading Conference, Miami, Fl. December, 2005.
- Norvell, B. & Stanley, D. The Peter Pan syndrome and how adults could learn much from children. Celebration of Inquiry, Coastal Carolina University, Feb. 2007.
- Norvell, B. & Hamilton, M. Play like your life depends on it! The correlation between play and physical and emotional well-being. Celebration of Inquiry, Coastal Carolina University, February 2008.
- Norvell, B. The power of play. Keynote Speaker: Myrtle Beach Education Conference. May, 2009.
- Norvell, B. (2010). The effects of recess on an ELL child: Results of a case study. Paper presented at IPA/USA-TASP Conference, Atlanta, Ga. March, 2010.
- Bousch, JC., Norvell, B. Playground Risk Behaviors. Paper presented at The Conference for the Value of Play. Clemson University, Clemson, SC. February 6-9, 2011. I was one of 100 individual internationally invited to join The Summit on the Value of Play, June 2009, at Clemson. The international “think tank” of play experts from around the world put together 10 play initiatives that we will work together as a consortium of scholars to advocate for a change in play throughout the world.
- Norvell, B., Bavonese, J., Weathers, A., (2021). A Case for Recess: A Migrant's Child's Journey to Connection. The International Journal of Arts and Humanities & Social Sciences. Vol. 6., No. 9. September 2021.
- Connor, C. Norvell, B., Beard, L. (2021). Home Made Battery Interrupters/ Adapted Switches for Student Engagement. International Journal of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Vol. 6, Issue 8. August 2021.
- Norvell, B., Bavonese, J., Connor, C., Weathers,A. (2021). The Changing Landscape of Recess:The impact of Advocacy. Journal of Education and Social Policy. Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2021.
- Norvell, B. (2015). How to choose a preschool for your child. Montgomery Parents Magazine, April.
- Norvell-Hall, B. (2006). An examination of the effects of research on children’s use of written symbol representations. Published doctoral dissertation, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
- Norvell, Barbie, et al. “Give Me a Break: The Argument for Recess.” Childhood Education, vol. 86, no. 2, 2009, pp. 66–69.
- Norvell, B., Ratcliff, N., Hunt, G. (2011). Give me a break: The argument for recess. Early Childhood Annual Editions, 2010/2011. Article 37.