Dr. Russell Hammack
Associate Professor
506-C, CEPS Complex
Dr. Russell Hammack is a native of Northport, Alabama. He graduated with his undergraduate degree from The University of Alabama in 2002. He taught at Central High School in the Tuscaloosa City Schools for 13 years. There he was nominated twice for Alabama Teacher of the Year and the Jacksonville State University Teacher Hall of Fame. In 2015, he started teaching in the Department of Secondary Education (now part of the Department of Teacher Education) in the College of Education and Professional Studies at Jacksonville State University. Dr. Hammack and his wife Natasha now reside in Jacksonville with their two daughters Reagan and Riley. In his spare time, he enjoys playing golf, riding horses, watching JSU football, and vacationing along the gulf coast.

Courses Taught
- Dr. Hammack teaches multiple undergraduate and graduate courses in the Department of Teacher Education; specifically in secondary programs.
- Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education (2002) The University of Alabama
- Masters of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction (2010) The University of Alabama
- Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction (2014) The University of Alabama
Academic and Research Interests
- high stakes testing,
- inquiry based learning,
- technology integration, and
- the use of primary source documents in social studies education.
Other Responsibilities
- Program chair for the social studies undergraduate, traditional masters, and Alternative-A masters programs in the Department of Teacher Education
- Practicum coordinator for all secondary programs
- Serves on the Institutional Review Board, Enrollment Management, the Graduate Education Program Directors and Advisers, the Continuous Improvement Committee, the Field and Clinical Experiences Taskforce, President-Elect for the Alabama Council for the Social Studies, a member of the Alabama Social Studies Course of Study committee and task force, a reviewer for Social Studies Research and Practice, the Alabama representative in the National Council for the Social Studies House of Delegates, and a member of both the Alabama Council for the Social Studies, and the National Council for the Social Studies.
Publications and Presentations
- Dr. Hammack has more than 30 peer reviewed presentations at the National Council for the Social Studies, the National Council for History Education, and the Alabama Council for the Social Studies. Dr. Hammack has publications in Social Studies Teaching and Learning, the Oregon Journal for the Social Studies, Teaching Social Studies, and the Journal of Social Studies and History Education.