What is COI+ ?

COI+ is a new professional development experience for online faculty at Jacksonville State University. Goodbye COI, and hello, COI+ !

COI+ replaces the previous Certified Online Instructor (COI) course.

COI+ recognizes that online faculty at JSU are expected to be exemplary in two areas:

  1. Online teaching pedagogy
  2. Online course building

The new organization of COI+ allows faculty to focus their efforts more specifically into developing and applying knowledge and skills related to online teaching pedagogy and building an online course in a more flexible format.

Please read about COI+ and register if you are interested.

Who is eligible to complete COI+?

Full-time tenure track faculty, full-time instructors, part-time faculty/instructors, adjuncts, clinical faculty, graduate teaching assistants, and professional staff are eligible to participate in COI+. Anyone at Jacksonville State University interested in completing COI+ are invited to register.

Supplemental Compensation

Only full-time faculty at JSU are eligible to earn supplemental compensation upon successfully completing COI+.

Asynchronous Courses

COI+ consists of two online, asynchronous courses:

  1. Online Course Pedagogy
  2. Building an Online Courses


  1. Two (2) cohorts each year consisting of ten (10) full-time faculty within each cohort.
  2. Non-full-time faculty COI+ participants are not counted against the cap.
  3. Cohort 1: Spring (Course 1); Summer (Course 2); Exemplary Online Course Completion and Launch Date - Fall Semester (or any future semester)
    • Early access to each course is possible.
  4. Cohort 2: Summer (Course 1); Fall (Course 2): Exemplary Online Course Completion and Launch Date - Spring Semester (or any future semester)
    • Early access to each course is possible.

2025 Dates

Cohort 1

  1. Course 1: January 8 - April 4
  2. Course 2: May 4 - August 1

Cohort 2

  1. Course 1: May 4 - August 1
  2. Course 2: August 20 - November 20
All work must be completed by the due date(s) unless arrangements have been made between faculty and COI+ course facilitator.

Course 1: Online Course Pedagogy


In this course, faculty review concepts and strategies related to:

  1. Regular & Substantive Interaction (RSI)
  2. Instructor Presence and Creating Community
  3. Communicating with Online Students
  4. Creating vibrant, meaningful course discussions
  5. Summative and formative assessment strategies
  6. Creating effective videos for online courses
  7. Successfully leading a synchronous class session
  8. Supporting online students
  9. Accessibility of online course content
  10. Effective testing practices in online courses 
  11. Artificial Intelligence
  12. Building a basic learning module design in Canvas

Course Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Define and discuss regular and substantive interaction (RSI).
  2. Apply RSI to online course development.
  3. Apply strategies and tools to increase faculty presence in online courses and to create an online course community.
  4. Create and follow a communication and assignment feedback plan for students to follow.
  5. Identify and adopt different types of assessment to achieve different instructional goals.
  6. Create engaging videos for online instruction.
  7. Conduct engaging synchronous class sessions.
  8. Proactively identify and support struggling online students.
  9. Apply online testing practices to encourage critical thinking skills, problem-solving, and adherence to academic honesty. 
  10. Create accessible content and mobile compatible content.
  11. Build a basic, effective online learning module/unit.
  12. Select a variety of instructional materials from a variety of sources.
  13. Identify the parts of the course review instrument/rubric used at JSU.
  14. Create vibrant, meaningful discussions.
  15. Discuss foundational terminology related to generative artificial intelligence (AI). 
  16. Apply generative AI technologies in teaching and productivity. 

Course Completion Requirements:

To earn 100% completion for Course 1: Online Course Pedagogy, y will:

  1. Complete all course review rubric quizzes to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the course review instrument.
  2. Complete all mini-course quizzes connected to each learning module.
  3. Complete all required Canvas assignments.
  4. Create an interaction and engagement (RSI) plan for the online course(s).
  5. Build a basic learning module that includes all required parts.
  6. Address any feedback or recommendations provided by the course facilitator.

Recognition of Achievement:

Faculty who complete Course 1: Online Course Pedagogy will receive the following:

  1. Certificate of achievement for completing Course 1: Online Course Pedagogy.
  2. Digital logo faculty can add to their email signature.
  3. Supplemental compensation. (Full-time faculty only)
  4. In Development - Microcredential via Canvas Credentials.

Course 2: Building an Online Course


In this course, faculty will:

  1. Review and apply Backward Design (Understanding by Design - Wiggins & McTighe, 1998) and Designing for Significant Learning (Fink, 2013).
  2. Write effective course learning outcomes (and Bloom's Revised Taxonomy).
  3. Write effective course learning objectives (and Bloom's Revisted Taxonomy).
  4. Ensure course alignment among learning outcomes, learning objectives, learning activities, assessments, and resources and materials.
  5. Implement the interaction and engagement plan into the design and development of the online course.
  6. Create a complete course map.
  7. Organize course content and material using a standard course template.
  8. Create/build a complete online or hybrid course.
  9. Submit a complete online course build that passes the course review process as determined by the course review rubric/instrument.

Course Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, faculty will be able to:

  1. Apply backward design principles to the design and development of an online course.
  2. Write appropriate course learning outcomes.
  3. Write course learning objectives that are specific, measurable, and written from the learner's perspective.
  4. Align all course elements to support the achievement of course learning outcomes.
  5. Develop and follow an interaction and engagement plan in the process of teaching an online course.
  6. Develop a complete course map.
  7. Organize and add course content to a standardized course template.
  8. Address all rubric review criteria during the development and creation of an online course.
  9. Build an exemplary online course.

Course Completion Requirements:

To earn 100% completion for Course 2: Building an Online Course, faculty will:

  1. Complete all knowledge review quizzes to demonstrate understanding of course design and development concepts.
  2. Complete all required Canvas assignments.
  3. Build a complete online course. 
  4. Address any feedback or recommendations provided by the course facilitator.
  5. Submit an online course build that passes an online course review. 

Recognition of Achievement:

Faculty who complete Course 1: Pedagogy AND Course 2: Building an Online Course will receive the following:

  1. Certificate of achievement for completing Course 2: Building an Online Course.
  2. Certificate of achievement for completing COI+.
  3. Digital logo faculty can add to their email signature.
  4. A completed online course that earns course "certification."
  5. Supplemental compensation. (Full-time faculty only)
  6. In Development - Microcredential via Canvas Credentials. 

Faculty who complete only Course 2: Building an Online Course will receive the following:

  1. Certificate of achievement for completing Course 2: Building an Online Course.
  2. Digital logo faculty can add to their email signature.
  3. A completed online course that earns course "certification."
  4. Supplemental compensation. (Full-time faculty only)
  5. In Development - Microcredential via Canvas Credentials. 

Expectations & Requirements

 In COI+, faculty are expected to do the following:

  1. Complete Course 1 and Course 2 in sequence during the prescribed COI+ completion schedule.
  2. Complete all required assignments during the course. All work must be submitted by the course end date.
  3. Review all course content when completing course work. Instructions, examples, and tutorials are provided within the course.
  4. Complete and submit an online course build or redesign that passes a review as determined by the course review rubric.
  5. Exhibit basic knowledge of Canvas, Studio, Microsoft 365 Apps, and other technologies used in the course.
  6. Log into the COI+ course(s) daily to review course content.
  7. Communicate with COI+ facilitators as needs arise.

In COI+, facilitators are expected to do the following:

  1. Provide course content in an organized, consistent pattern.
  2. Provide all necessary resources and content necessary to complete assignments.
  3. Respond to faculty emails and inquiries in a timely manner - typically, within 24 business hours.
  4. Respond to the unique needs of faculty members as situations arise.
  5. Communicate with faculty on a regular basis.
  6. Provide assignment feedback (as needed) within a timely manner.
  7. Serve as a sounding board for faculty as they talk through design and instructional ideas for their course(s).
  8. Provide recommendations/feedback during assignment submissions and course reviews.


If you are interested in COI+, please register. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate faculty regarding which options are selected, but please plan to complete Course 1 and Course 2 consecutively if at all possible. 

Register for COI+


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