What is COI+ ?
COI+ is a new professional development experience for online faculty at Jacksonville State University. Goodbye COI, and hello, COI+ !
COI+ replaces the previous Certified Online Instructor (COI) course.
COI+ recognizes that online faculty at JSU are expected to be exemplary in two areas:
- Online teaching pedagogy
- Online course building
The new organization of COI+ allows faculty to focus their efforts more specifically into developing and applying knowledge and skills related to online teaching pedagogy and building an online course in a more flexible format.
Please read about COI+ and register if you are interested.
Who is eligible to complete COI+?
Full-time tenure track faculty, full-time instructors, part-time faculty/instructors, adjuncts, clinical faculty, graduate teaching assistants, and professional staff are eligible to participate in COI+. Anyone at Jacksonville State University interested in completing COI+ are invited to register.
Supplemental Compensation
Only full-time faculty at JSU are eligible to earn supplemental compensation upon successfully completing COI+.
Asynchronous Courses
COI+ consists of two online, asynchronous courses:
- Online Course Pedagogy
- Building an Online Courses
- Two (2) cohorts each year consisting of ten (10) full-time faculty within each cohort.
- Non-full-time faculty COI+ participants are not counted against the cap.
- Cohort 1: Spring (Course 1); Summer (Course 2); Exemplary Online Course Completion and Launch Date - Fall Semester (or any future semester)
- Early access to each course is possible.
- Cohort 2: Summer (Course 1); Fall (Course 2): Exemplary Online Course Completion and Launch Date - Spring Semester (or any future semester)
- Early access to each course is possible.
2025 Dates
Cohort 1
- Course 1: January 8 - April 4
- Course 2: May 4 - August 1
Cohort 2
- Course 1: May 4 - August 1
- Course 2: August 20 - November 20
Course 1: Online Course Pedagogy
In this course, faculty review concepts and strategies related to:
- Regular & Substantive Interaction (RSI)
- Instructor Presence and Creating Community
- Communicating with Online Students
- Creating vibrant, meaningful course discussions
- Summative and formative assessment strategies
- Creating effective videos for online courses
- Successfully leading a synchronous class session
- Supporting online students
- Accessibility of online course content
- Effective testing practices in online courses
- Artificial Intelligence
- Building a basic learning module design in Canvas
Course Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Define and discuss regular and substantive interaction (RSI).
- Apply RSI to online course development.
- Apply strategies and tools to increase faculty presence in online courses and to create an online course community.
- Create and follow a communication and assignment feedback plan for students to follow.
- Identify and adopt different types of assessment to achieve different instructional goals.
- Create engaging videos for online instruction.
- Conduct engaging synchronous class sessions.
- Proactively identify and support struggling online students.
- Apply online testing practices to encourage critical thinking skills, problem-solving, and adherence to academic honesty.
- Create accessible content and mobile compatible content.
- Build a basic, effective online learning module/unit.
- Select a variety of instructional materials from a variety of sources.
- Identify the parts of the course review instrument/rubric used at JSU.
- Create vibrant, meaningful discussions.
- Discuss foundational terminology related to generative artificial intelligence (AI).
- Apply generative AI technologies in teaching and productivity.
Course Completion Requirements:
To earn 100% completion for Course 1: Online Course Pedagogy, y will:
- Complete all course review rubric quizzes to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the course review instrument.
- Complete all mini-course quizzes connected to each learning module.
- Complete all required Canvas assignments.
- Create an interaction and engagement (RSI) plan for the online course(s).
- Build a basic learning module that includes all required parts.
- Address any feedback or recommendations provided by the course facilitator.
Recognition of Achievement:
Faculty who complete Course 1: Online Course Pedagogy will receive the following:
- Certificate of achievement for completing Course 1: Online Course Pedagogy.
- Digital logo faculty can add to their email signature.
- Supplemental compensation. (Full-time faculty only)
- In Development - Microcredential via Canvas Credentials.
Course 2: Building an Online Course
In this course, faculty will:
- Review and apply Backward Design (Understanding by Design - Wiggins & McTighe, 1998) and Designing for Significant Learning (Fink, 2013).
- Write effective course learning outcomes (and Bloom's Revised Taxonomy).
- Write effective course learning objectives (and Bloom's Revisted Taxonomy).
- Ensure course alignment among learning outcomes, learning objectives, learning activities, assessments, and resources and materials.
- Implement the interaction and engagement plan into the design and development of the online course.
- Create a complete course map.
- Organize course content and material using a standard course template.
- Create/build a complete online or hybrid course.
- Submit a complete online course build that passes the course review process as determined by the course review rubric/instrument.
Course Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, faculty will be able to:
- Apply backward design principles to the design and development of an online course.
- Write appropriate course learning outcomes.
- Write course learning objectives that are specific, measurable, and written from the learner's perspective.
- Align all course elements to support the achievement of course learning outcomes.
- Develop and follow an interaction and engagement plan in the process of teaching an online course.
- Develop a complete course map.
- Organize and add course content to a standardized course template.
- Address all rubric review criteria during the development and creation of an online course.
- Build an exemplary online course.
Course Completion Requirements:
To earn 100% completion for Course 2: Building an Online Course, faculty will:
- Complete all knowledge review quizzes to demonstrate understanding of course design and development concepts.
- Complete all required Canvas assignments.
- Build a complete online course.
- Address any feedback or recommendations provided by the course facilitator.
- Submit an online course build that passes an online course review.
Recognition of Achievement:
Faculty who complete Course 1: Pedagogy AND Course 2: Building an Online Course will receive the following:
- Certificate of achievement for completing Course 2: Building an Online Course.
- Certificate of achievement for completing COI+.
- Digital logo faculty can add to their email signature.
- A completed online course that earns course "certification."
- Supplemental compensation. (Full-time faculty only)
- In Development - Microcredential via Canvas Credentials.
Faculty who complete only Course 2: Building an Online Course will receive the following:
- Certificate of achievement for completing Course 2: Building an Online Course.
- Digital logo faculty can add to their email signature.
- A completed online course that earns course "certification."
- Supplemental compensation. (Full-time faculty only)
- In Development - Microcredential via Canvas Credentials.
Expectations & Requirements
In COI+, faculty are expected to do the following:
- Complete Course 1 and Course 2 in sequence during the prescribed COI+ completion schedule.
- Complete all required assignments during the course. All work must be submitted by the course end date.
- Review all course content when completing course work. Instructions, examples, and tutorials are provided within the course.
- Complete and submit an online course build or redesign that passes a review as determined by the course review rubric.
- Exhibit basic knowledge of Canvas, Studio, Microsoft 365 Apps, and other technologies used in the course.
- Log into the COI+ course(s) daily to review course content.
- Communicate with COI+ facilitators as needs arise.
In COI+, facilitators are expected to do the following:
- Provide course content in an organized, consistent pattern.
- Provide all necessary resources and content necessary to complete assignments.
- Respond to faculty emails and inquiries in a timely manner - typically, within 24 business hours.
- Respond to the unique needs of faculty members as situations arise.
- Communicate with faculty on a regular basis.
- Provide assignment feedback (as needed) within a timely manner.
- Serve as a sounding board for faculty as they talk through design and instructional ideas for their course(s).
- Provide recommendations/feedback during assignment submissions and course reviews.
If you are interested in COI+, please register. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate faculty regarding which options are selected, but please plan to complete Course 1 and Course 2 consecutively if at all possible.
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