Rachel Wooten, DNP, RN
Assistant Professor, Coordinator of Undergraduate Nursing Programs
JSU South Complex, Office 244
Dr. Wooten is from Fort Payne, Alabama and has been a professor at JSU since 2017. During Dr. Wooten's pursuit of education, she practiced as a bedside obstetrical nurse for 16 years. Previously, Dr. Wooten taught obstetrical and pediatric content in an ADN program for 4 years. Since joining the JSU team in 2017, Dr. Wooten taught pharmacology in JSU’s traditional BSN program and leadership/management and professional roles courses in the STEP program. In 2019, Dr. Wooten became the Undergraduate Coordinator of Nursing Programs for the traditional BSN and RN to BSN STEP programs. Dr. Wooten continues to teach in the STEP program as well as pursuing research in the obstetrical population in Alabama.

Courses Taught
- Pharmacology
- STEP-Leadership & Management
- STEP-Professional Roles & Issues
Academic/Research Interests
Issues with underserved populations including obstetrical and pediatric clients.
- Northeast Alabama Community College, ADN, 1997
- Jacksonville State University, BSN, 2008
- Jacksonville State University, MSN in Community Health, 2012
- Samford University, Doctorate of Nursing Practice in Administration, 2019