Faculty and Staff Special Interest & Peer Groups

The mission of the Jacksonville State University LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff Collective is to contribute to and support a welcoming and inclusive environment that values Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Ally Faculty and Staff as an essential component of JSU’s diverse community. This organization will provide support and/or mentoring for LGBTQ+ students, strengthen outreach to and retention of our LGBTQ+ faculty, staff, and students, and provide opportunities for fun social events and professional networking within the JSU community. The group will meet monthly to discuss the latest LGBTQ+ issues, organize meetings, and coordinate events and social activities throughout the year.jsulgbtqfsc@jsu.edu The Women in Academia Support group is a group under the Diversity and Inclusion committee aimed to create a supportive space for women-identified employees. The faculty and staff committee members create formal and informal events to provide networking opportunities and to discuss gender-related issues. For more information, please contact Dr. Erin Rider at erider@jsu.edu. The mission of the Black Faculty & Staff Support Group is a sub-group of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee that discusses issues, initiatives, issues of concern and things that interest the African American Community on the campus of JSU. Contact: Dr. Diane M. Best at dmbest@jsu.edu.