Mrs. Jill Marsh
Child Development Program Chair - Instructor
Pod 1 Room 105C, CEPS Complex
Mrs. Jill Marsh is an instructor of Child Development courses in the area of Family and Consumer Sciences and is the program chair for the Child Development concentration. Mrs. Marsh holds teacher certification in both Family and Consumer Sciences Education (secondary) and Collaborative Education (elementary). She has over 15 years experience in education which spans elementary, secondary, and post-secondary and over 32 years of experience in raising children. She has been employed at JSU for 12 years and served as the Director of the Cynthia H. Harper Child Study Center from 2012 to 2022.

Courses Taught
- FCS 351 The Developing Child
- FCS 352 Child Growth and Development
- FCS 353 Child Growth and Development Lab
- FCS 360 Contemporary Issues in Human Development
- FCS 454 Administration and Supervision in Childcare Programs
- FCS 457 Advanced Child Development II (Ages 3-5)
- FCS 460 Directed Field Experience for Child Development Majors
- Ed.S. Collaborative Education – Jacksonville State University, AL - 2009
- M.Ed. Vocational Home Economics Education – Auburn University, AL - 1994
- B.S. Vocational Home Economics Education – Auburn University, AL – 1989