Mijitaba Hamissou, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
128D Martin Hall
My research areas are the investigation of some molecular aspects of somatic embryogenesis and the cryobiology of plants cells. Knowing that cell lines in continuous culture are prone to genetic drift and that all cell cultures are susceptible to microbial contamination, being able to keep cell lines is a valuable resource in plant cell and tissue culture laboratory. We generate callus from Arabidopsis thaliana, Nicotiana tobacum and Capsicum annum to initiate liquid culture of cells for use in a variety of low temperature experiments and embryogenesis.
Other aspects of my research include the investigation of some biologically active compounds in several plants including pokeweed, Phytolacca Americana, moringa, Moringa Oleifera, tigernut, Cyperus esculentu, and chili pepper, Capsicum annum
Recent peer reviewed publications
Mijitaba Hamissou and Ploy Kurdmongkoltham. 2015. Molecular and cytotoxicity investigations of Phytolacca american (L.) root, leaf, and berry extracts. Int. J pharm. And Toxicol. Intern J. Pharm and Toxicol 3(2) 11-16.
Mijitaba Hamissou, Amanda C. Smith, Robert E. Carter Jr., and Jimmy K. Triplett. 2013. Antioxidative properties of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) and zucchini (cucurbita pepo). Emir J. Food Agric. 25(9):641-647.
Mijitaba Hamissou. 2011. Selected Physiological and Molecular Responses of Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tobacum Plants Irrigated with Perchlorate-containing Water. Asian J. Plant Sci. 10(4):55-262
Heather L. Morefield and Mijitaba Hamissou. 2005. Molecular Analysis of the Toxic Effects of Aluminum on the Growth and Development of Arabidospsis thaliana. Bios.76(2) 84-88.

Courses Taught
- BY 101 & BY 102 (Sequence of Introductory Biology),
- BY 373 (Cell Biology),
- BY 451 (Plant Anatomy),
- BY 477 (Plant cell and Tissue Culture),
- BY 478 (Advance Cell Biology),
- BY 533 (Advance Plant Biology),
- BY 570 (Seminar in Developmental Biology),
- BY 573 (Seminar in Cell Biology)
- PhD. 1992, Botany, Oklahoma State University
Dissertation: Ultrastructural and Behavioral Study of Greenbug Feeding on Sorghum Plants Under Drought Stress; Microtubule Distribution in Sorghum Callus. - M.S. 1987, Agronomy, Oklahoma State University
Thesis: The Effects of Epicuticular Wax on the Rate of Water Loss of Sorghum bicolor - B.S. 1985, Agriculture, Oklahoma State University
Other Responsibilities
- Undergraduate Students Advisor
- Graduate Students Advisor
- Miscellaneous departmental duties
- Co-overseeing the greenhouse