Dr. Noureddine Bekhouche
354 Merrill Hall
- B.S., University of Annaba
- M.S.E.E., Polytechnic University
- Ph. D., West Virginia University
Areas of Interest:
- Control Systems and applications
- Programmable Logic Controllers
- Industrial Robotics
- Electric utilities operation and generation control
- Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Courses Taught
- AE 225, Electronics Devices I
- AE 252, Programmable Logic Controller
- AE 311, Electronics Digital
- AE 316, Advanced Electronics
- AE 326, Electronic Devices II
- AE 327, Electronic Devices Lab
- AE 366, Control Systems Technology
- AE 416, Automations and Robotics
- AE 451, Advanced Programmable Logic Controller
- MFG 511, Manufacturing Computer/Information Systems
- MFG 531, Automated Manufacturing Technology
Other Responsibilities
Coordinator of the Applied Electronics Engineering program