Timothy J. Barnett
Professor of Political Science
205E Brewer Hall
(256) 782-5653
Timothy J. Barnett (PhD, University of Kansas) is a professor of political science at Jacksonville State University. A former Department Head of Political Science and Public Administration at JSU, Professor Barnett has taught more than 20 college courses in five states, including 12 courses at JSU. Originally from the Pacific Northwest, Barnett holds degrees in marketing, theology, public administration and political science. During the time he served as president of the Alabama Political Science Association, Barnett developed theories on freedom of religion within the context of constitutional federalism. Additionally, Barnett writes on legislative politics, market morality, and monetary policy. He has published books, scholarly journal articles, book chapters, articles for reference works, book reviews, and political blogs on national platforms.

Courses Taught
- PSC 100. Introduction to American Government
- PSC 102. State and Local Politics
- PSC 103. Introduction to American Government – Honors
- PSC 230. Politics and Film
- PSC 342. Political Parties
- PSC 352. The Legislative Process
- PSC 410. Religion, Politics and Policy
- PSC 412. Intergovernmental Relations
- PSC 447. Politics and Public Opinion
- PSC 450. The American Executive
- PSC 458. Theory of Political Film
- PSC 594. Constitutional Revision: Historical and Modern
Prior Course Offerings (Iowa and Texas)
Contemporary Policy Problems; Non-Profit Management; Philanthropic Foundations; Governmental Management; Administration in the Public Sector; Leadership and Organizational Behavior; Classical Political Theory; Modern Political Theory.
- A.S. Marketing, Boise State University
- Th.B. Bachelor of Theology, Christian International
- M.P.A. Master of Public Administration, Boise State University
- Ph.D. Doctorate in Political Science, University of Kansas
Academic & Research Interests
- Political economy
- Fiscal and monetary policy
- Congressional politics
- Presidential leadership
- Media influence and public opinion development
- Religious freedom in the context of constitutional republicanism
- Elitism and party politics in America
- Classical era political film and politics
Other Responsibilities
Service on university and departmental committees as well as service to the political science discipline.Publications and Presentations
Political Books
Barnett, Timothy J. 2011. America’s False Recovery: The Coming Debt Crisis and Rise of Democratic Plutocracy. Merit & Justice Press.
Barnett, Timothy J. 1999. Legislative Learning: The 104th Republican Freshmen in the House. N.Y.: Garland Publishing. (Listed in the Garland series “Politics and Policy in American Institutions.”)
Scholarly Articles and Book Chapters
Barnett, Timothy J. 2020. "Merit: Contrived or Morally Measured." Journal of Markets and Morality. 23, 1, 157-172.
Barnett, Timothy J. 2014. “In Search of Liberty’s Ethical Economy.” Journal of Markets and Morality. 17, 2 (Fall):491–503.
Loomis, Burdett A. and Timothy J. Barnett. 2014. “Thinking About My Generation: The Impact of Large Congressional Cohorts.” The Forum. 12(3):499–517
Barnett, Timothy J. 2011. “Enlightened Economics and Free Markets.” Is the Good Book Good Enough? Evangelical Perspectives on Public Policy. Lexington Books: Lanham, MD.
Barnett, Timothy J. 2008. “The Limits of Free Exercise in America,” in Church-State Issues in America Today. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishing.
Barnett, Timothy J. and Burdett Loomis. 1999. “Large Classes, New Members and Party Leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives.” In Parliamentary Members and Leaders: The Delicate Balance, ed. Lawrence Layley, Attila Agh, and Drago Zajc. Appleton, Wisconsin: Research Committee of Legislative Specialists; International Political Science Association.
Barnett, Tim, and Burdett Loomis. January, 1999. “The 104th Republicans: Of Classes and Cannon Fodder.” Extensions of Remarks. (“Extensions” is a publication of APSA’s Legislative Studies Organization.)
National Media blog-articles
The Presidential Apprentice: How Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Can Lose the U.S. Presidency. Huffington Post. Feb. 22, 2016. (Replicated at JSU News Services.)
The Amazing Harbinger of the Dow's 531-Point Slide. Huffington Post. August 21, 2015
CNBC's Jim Cramer: Make Money, Don't Moralize. Huffington Post. Dec. 22, 2014.
Why Democrats Lost Big in the Midterm 2014 Elections. Huffington Post. Nov. 10, 2014.
Which Hazard is Better Contained: Ebola or Extreme Economic Inequality? Huffington Post. Oct. 27, 2014.
Do Minimum Wage Increases Benefit the Middle Class? Huffington Post. Oct. 13, 2014.
Can Seattle Afford to Pay a Premium Minimum Wage? Huffington Post. Oct. 3, 2014.
The Federal Reserve’s Artful Compassion for Households in ‘Sobering Condition.’ Huffington Post. Sept. 26, 2014.
Inequality, Nick Hanauer, and the Patriot’s Moral Code. Huffington Post. Sept. 17, 2014.
Alabama Regional publications
A Key to Alabama's Future. Anniston Star. Nov. 11, 2015.
A Key to Alabama's Future. RSA Advisor. December, 2015.
Publications in Reference Works
Nov. 2012. “Economic and Monetary Policy.” Barnett, Timothy J., Tom Lansford, Jeffrey D. Schultz and Diane L Schultz. 2012. Democrats, Republicans, and Third Parties in America: An Encyclopedia. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
May, 2009. “Accommodation Theory.” Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. David Schultz, ed. New York: CQ Press/Facts-on-File. ISBN: 978-0816067633.
May, 2009. “Federalism.” Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. David Schultz, ed. New York: CQ Press/Facts-on-File. ISBN: 978-0816067633.
May, 2009. “Freedom of Religion.” Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution.
David Schultz, ed. New York: CQ Press/Facts-on-File. ISBN: 978-0816067633.
May, 2009. “Wealth and the Constitution.” Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution. David Schultz, ed. New York: CQ Press/Facts-on-File. ISBN: 978-0816067633. (Accepted and finalized, 2008.)
Scholarly Review Essays
“In Search of Liberty’s Ethical Economy.” Journal of Markets and Morality. 17:2 (Fall, 2014):491-503.
“Dollarocracy: Money-Power, Media-Framed Elections and Inequality” Front Porch Republic, online. April, 17, 2014.
“Decentralism and Meritorious Government: Reflections on Jeff Taylor’s Politics on a Human Scale.” Anamnesis Journal, online. March, 27, 2014.
“Merit: A Fundamental Ideal Worth Recovering.” Journal of Markets and Morality. 16:2 (Fall, 2013): 587–92.
Book Reviews
Suspicious Gifts: Bribery, Morality, and Professional Ethics.” (Review) Journal of Markets and Morality. 17:1 (Spring 2014): 183–85.
“Reckoning with Markets: Moral Reflection in Economics. (Review). Religion & Liberty. 23, 3 (Summer 2013): 7–8.
“Politics on a Human Scale: The American Tradition of Decentralism.” (Review). Front Porch Republic, online. November 5, 2013.
“The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America.” (Review) Journal of Markets and Morality. 16:2 (Fall 2013): 677–80.
“Financing Failure: A Century of Bailouts.” (Review). Journal of Markets and Morality. 16,1 (Spring 2013): 311–13.
“Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph.” (Review). Religion & Liberty. 22, 4 (Fall 2012).
“Rediscovering Political Economy.” (Review). Journal of Markets and Morality. 15,1 (Summer 2012): 264–66.
“The Power of Freedom: Uniting Development and Human Rights.” (Review). Journal of Markets and Morality. 13,1 (Spring 2010): 229-231.
Conference Papers and Scholarly Presentations
January 11, 2023. “Elites and the Politics of Concentrated Wealth: Equity and Merit as Policy Dilemmas.” Annual Conference of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.
February 25, 2020. “A New Ice Age for Billionaire Dinosaurs? Conceptualizing how the growing loss of legitimacy for philanthropy as a moral defense for concentrated capital may lead to solutions for excessive economic inequality.” Annual Conference of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.
Feb. 26, 2019. “Empowering the Public Mind: Meeting the Challenges of Democracy with Education Suitable to the Times.” Annual Conference of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.
Feb. 27, 2018. “Mending Community Collectivity: Reconceptualizing the Rsponsible Party Model to reduce polarization and distrust.” Annual Conference of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.
Feb. 20, 2013. “An Evaluation of Enlightened Economics and Free Markets.” 2013 Values and Capitalism Symposium, American Enterprise Institute, Washington D.C. (Live transmission to subscribed colleges nationwide.)
April 2012. “A Widespread Sovereign Debt Crisis as a Doorway to Democratic Plutocracy.” Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
April, 2011. “Meritorious Capitalism: The Biblical Roots of a Lost Economic Vision.” Alabama Political Science Association. Birmingham, AL.
April, 2009. “The Role of Wall Street in Money Supply Dynamics.” The 25th Anniversary Conference of the Association of Christian Economists. Baylor University, Waco, TX.
March 2009. “The Politics and Religion of Money: Does Value-Neutral Monetary Policy Serve the Public Interest?” Alabama Political Science Assn., Montgomery, AL.
August, 2008. “Evangelicals and Economic Enlightenment.” The American Political Science Association, Boston, MA.
March 2007. “Representative Democracy on the Edge: Rethinking the Role of Polling and the Press.” Alabama Political Science Association, Mobile, AL.
September 2006. “Public Policy and the Tangled Jurisprudence of the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses.” Southeastern Conference for Public Administration (SECoPA), Athens, GA.
March 2006. “Urban Dilemmas in Post-Katrina New Orleans.” Western Political Science Association, Albuquerque, NM.
January 2006. “The Public Mind and the Enduring Regime: Mass Electorates’ Understanding of Economic Freedom and the Hazards of Democracy.” Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
January 2006. Co-author (primary): “In Search of Christianity’s Contribution to the Idea of ‘Godly Political Economy’: The Missing Links.” Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
June, 2005. “Wealth Generation, Democratic Norms and Political Economy: Options for making Capitalism Friendlier to Traditional Christian Values.” The 5th Biennial Conference of Christians in Political Science, Washington, D.C.
April 2005. “The Ascendant Irresponsible Party Model: Reconceptualizing Benchmarks for Responsible Party Politics in a Candidate-Centered Era.” Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
March 2005. “Religion in Political Theory: The Role of the One God Ethos in the Divide of Political Conscience between Christians, Jews, and Muslims.” Southwestern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA:
Feb. 2005. “Patriotism, Expansive Capitalism as Foreign Policy, and Islamic Perceptions: Helping College Students Understand the Catalysts of Terrorism Politics.” Mississippi/Louisiana Political Science Associations, Jackson, MS.
Feb. 2005. “The Dichotomous Student Mind: Evolving Challenges for Teachers in Public Administration Programs.” Teaching Public Administration Conference, Fort Walton Beach, FL.
Feb. 2004. “The Evolving University Classroom: Pedagogical Challenges Arising in Introductory American Government Courses.” Mississippi Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Jackson, MS.
Community Presentations, Television Interviews, and Media Events
“Merit: Does the Founding Ideal Work Today?” Organized and chaired a roundtable panel for the annual Alabama Political Science Association (AlaPSA) conference. March 6-7, 2015, JSU.
“Trends in U.S. Monetary Policy.” Provided a guest presentation on national economic developments to the Anniston Rotary Club. June 24, 2014.
February 24, 2014. The American Democracy Project. An Evaluation of Economic Inequality in America. (Houston Cole Library, PowerPoint Presentation). Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL.
August 10, 2014. The Anniston Star. Plutocracy trumping democracy: What happens when wealth gets disconnected from deservedness? Insight, Guest Opinion, Sunday, Page 1D, 3D.
June 24, 2014. Anniston Rotary Club. Deservedness and Opportunity as Twin Pillars of Market Morality. Guest lecture. Anniston Country Club, Anniston, AL.
November 13, 2013. JSU Television. Guest of Mike Hathcock. Topic: “Politics on a Human Scale.” Discussion of a book on federalism by a former JSU political scientist, Dr. Jeff Taylor.
January 27, 2013. Panelist for the WLJS 91.9 FM radio show, “The State of Violence in America.” Two-hour show program by the JSU Communications Department.
February 14, 2012. “Person of the Week” interview. Guest of Mike Hathcock. Topic: The growth of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet and ramifications by 2020.