Fall Commencement Scheduled for Dec. 10

by Buffy Lockette
Jacksonville State University will host Fall 2021 Commencement on Dec. 10 at Pete Mathews Coliseum. More than 700 students are scheduled to receive their degrees in three ceremonies:
9 a.m.
College of Business and Industry
College of Health Professions and Wellness
1 p.m.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
College of Science and Mathematics
4 p.m.
College of Arts and Humanities
College of Education and Professional Studies
JSU alumnus Rev. Bradley Page will serve as the commencement speaker. Rev. Page graduated from JSU in 1985 with a Bachelor of Arts in liberal arts, with a course of study focused on English and sociology. He went on to complete a Work Experience Scheme at the Kaleidoscope Youth and Community Project, a drug dependency unit of England’s National Health Service, and was certified in clinical pastoral education at St. George’s Hospital and School of Medicine in London. In 1994, he received his Master of Divinity degree from Sewanee: The University of the South and was ordained as an Anglican priest.
Rev. Page has served parish churches in Alabama, Florida and the United Kingdom. From 2000-2005, he was Episcopal chaplain to Florida State University and Canon for college ministries in the Diocese of Florida. Since 2006, he has worked full-time for The Walt Disney Company, where he is the production manager for communication strategy. He lives in Orlando, Fla., where – in addition to his work at Disney – he serves as Rector of St. Nicholas Anglican Church, a parish with members from as far afield as the Caribbean, Canada, Africa, South America and the United Kingdom.
The JSU Chamber Winds, conducted by Dr. Ken Bodiford, will provide music during the 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. ceremonies, while the JSU Symphonic Band, led by Dr. Jeremy Stovall, will perform at the 4 p.m. ceremony. Student vocalist Nathaniel Burch, who will be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in music education, will sing the national anthem in all three ceremonies. The invocation and benediction will be led by Rev. Steve West of the First United Methodist Church of Jacksonville.
All three ceremonies will be streamed live on the university's Facebook and YouTube channels. For more graduation details, visit the commencement website.