Copyright Permission Information

The copyright law (Title 17, United States Code) sets strict limits on making copies of copyrighted works. Jacksonville State University observes the limits set on copying of materials to be placed on course reserve. The Library reserves the right to refuse either to accept a copy request that would involve a violation of copyright law or to make available through course reserve materials that might have been duplicated in violation of copyright law. For more information, please see our Reserve Policy.
U.S. Copyright regulations do not permit placing the same copyright protected materials on reserve for more than one term per year (excluding personal items such as test files, class notes, etc.) without obtaining copyright permission. Only *one (1)* chapter from a book or *one (1)* article and not more than 25% of the content of an issue of one journal be placed on reserve unless the instructor receives the copyright holder's written permission and acknowledges receipt when submitting materials to reserve.
Obtaining copyright permission can often be done more efficiently and quickly through the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). It has the right to grant permission and collect fees. Requests can be submitted on line at
For more information, please contact the Reserve Desk at or 256-782-8490.
Helpful LInks:
Copyright Information
Finding Articles
Is It Scholarly?
Plagiarism Information