Franco Zengaro Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Ayers Hall 138
(256) 782-5515 

I am an Associate Professor with the Department of Kinesiology at Jacksonville State University. I enjoy teaching a variety of courses both at the undergraduate and graduate level. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, and spending time with my family. 

Academic Research/Interests:
I am interested in conducting applied research in cognition, sport psychology. sport participation, prosocial development, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Courses Taught:
  • ED-302 Introduction to Teacher Education
  • HPE-356 Secondary Methods in Physical Education and Health
  • HPE- 456 Teaching Effectiveness in Physical Education
  • HPE-515 Assessment in Health and Physical Education


  • Ph.D. in Health and Human Performance. The University of Alabama.
  • M.S.E. in Kinesiology. Harding University.
  • M.B.A. in Educational Management. Leicester University, United Kingdom.
  • B.A. in Physical Education and Psychology. Harding University.
Franco Zengaro