Jax MIX: Merging Innovation & eXperience

Jax MIX: A signature general education program where you develop your human potential with engaging faculty in courses that merge innovation & experience.
Make connections
Explore ideas
Develop skills
Prepare for the future
To prepare students to be competent, ethical professionals and engaged, responsible, global citizens through core education centered on human communication, experience, expression, and inquiry. Students are encouraged through general education to reach for connections, engage with experiences, and discover opportunities as they develop skills essential for employability and lifelong learning.
Jax MIX Programmatic Emphasis
Jax MIX provides opportunities for the following knowledge and skills:
Explore Gen Ed
Jax MIX emphasizes the human condition and making connections across disciplines within general education
Opportunities within Jax MIX
Microcredential/badge = Focus, 3 events, work product, and reflection
Find Your Focus
Jax MIX offers focus options (clusters of three classes). These clusters are a component of badged microcredentials.
Jax MIX Events
Jax MIX works with campus partners to identify events that help you complete a badged microcredential.
Obtain a Badge
Jax MIX empowers you to develop key skills valued by employers through a badged microcredential program.