Dr. Priscilla Wilson
Professor, Program Chair
106 CEPS Complex
I am from Anniston, Alabama. I received my BA in Visual Arts from Tulane University in New Orleans, LA. I received my MS in Counselor Education from Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, AL. I received my Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, AL.
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) for the State of Alabama. Regarding work experience, I am a full professor in the Counselor Education program at Jacksonville State University. In addition, I provide private practice counseling part-time. I worked as a mental health counselor for clients from children to adults for approximately fifteen years.
I am a former co-host of a podcast, The Thoughtful Counselor. I have interviewed guest on topics ranging from mental health issues related to older adults, the ongoing Civil Rights Movement focusing on Black Lives Matter, self-care for women who are counselors, issues pertaining to African American hair, law enforcement and mental health, community involvement in multiculturalism, and incorporating C.S. Lewis’ philosophy of religion in counseling.
Regarding hobbies, I draw, paint, and play piano. I love to ride my bike, run, garden, and cook.

Courses Taught
- ECG 501- Assessment in Counseling
- ECG 523- Social and Diversity Issues in Counseling
- ECG 526 Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling
- ECG 560- Substance and Behavioral Addictions Counseling
- ECG 565 Psychopharmacology
- ECG 595/596-Counseling Internship
- ECG 588, Crisis Counseling
- PhD/Counselor Education and Supervision, University of Alabama
- MS/Counselor Education, Jacksonville State University
- BA/Visual Art, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
Academic & Research Interests
- Diversity/Multicultural Issues Including:
- Microaggressions
- Hair scrutinization and regulation in public spaces
- Multicultural Literacy
- Identity construction
- Counseling older adults and ageism
- Counseling women and sexism
- Relapse and Recovery
Other Responsibilities
- Member of the Quality Assurance (QA) Committee, Calhoun County Department of Human Resources
- Member of the Alabama Suicide Prevention and Resources Coalition (ASPARC)
- Member of the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME)
- Member of Chi Sigma Iota, Chi Theta Chapter
- Member of the American Counseling Association
- Member of the Alabama Counseling Association
Publications and Presentations
Podcasts (The Thoughtful Counselor):
- From Negotiating to Counseling – Walking the line with Reggie Parker
- C.S. Lewis and Counseling Theory – Applying Lewis’s Work to Counseling Practice with Jerry Kiser
- The Community Field Scan – Analyzing Communities for Resources and Support of Multicultural Education with Kimberly Warfield
- The Intersectionality of Ageism and Sexism – Addressing Biases and Best Practices with Gary Kennedy
- Introducing PsychoHairapy – Bringing Counseling into the Salon with Ayanna Moss
- Anti-Racism and An Ordinary Hero- Interview with Loki Mulholland
- A Covenant of Counselors- Conversations with Community Leaders (parts 1 and 2)
- Magic with Horses- Equine Therapy with Angela Sewell
Podcasts as a guest:
- Microaggression – Types, Dilemmas, and Best Practices for Counselors with Priscilla Wilson
- Microaggression – Types, Dilemmas, and Best Practices for Counselors with Priscilla Wilson (Recast)
- Baby Hair – Children’s Socialization into Ethnocentric Monoculturalism with Priscilla Wilson
- Wilson, P. G., Carmichael, K. D., & Pleasants, H. M. (2012). He Always Talked About How Wrong It Was: Stories from African American DL/MSM. Journal of Black Masculinity 3(1), 89-121.
- ▪ Wilson, P.G. (2016). Microaggressions in real time. Journal of Education and Social Policy, 3 (2). In publication.
- ▪ Wilson, P.G. (2016). Raising counselors’ awareness of microaggressions. Counseling Today 58 (12), 50-55.
- ▪ Wilson, P.G. (2018). Microaggressions in Real Time. Oxford University International Roundtable Symposium, Oxford, UK.
- Turner, T., & Wilson, P.G. (2011, November). Classroom and Group Activities for Developing Multicultural Competence. Alabama Counseling Association 45th Annual Conference. Birmingham, AL.
- Wilson, P. G. (2012, November). Portrait of Ace: Sexual Identity Construction from a CRT Framework. Alabama Counseling Association 46th Annual Conference. Montgomery, AL.
- Wilson, P.G. (2013, November). Classroom and Group Activities for Developing Multicultural Competence. Alabama Counseling Association 47th Annual Conference. Birmingham, AL.
- Wilson, P.G. (2014, November). Microaggressions. How They Are Conveyed and Contained. Alabama Counseling Association 48th Annual Conference. Huntsville, AL.
- National Counseling Exam Preparatory Class- Presentation on Multicultural/Diversity Issues, and Research/Statistical Applications. Jacksonville State University Department of Continuing Education, 2013-present.
- Wilson, P.G. (2016, March). Microaggressions: How They Are Communicated and Contained. National Association for Multicultural Education. University of Montevallo.
- Wilson, P.G. (2016, September 18). Colorism. Legacy Club. Anniston, AL.
- Wilson, P.G. (2016, November 10). Hair Histories and the Politics of Hair. National Association of Multicultural Education. Cleveland, OH.
- Wilson, P.G. (2017, May). Multicultural Competencies. Out of the Shadows, Mental Health Summit. Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL.
- Wilson, P. G. (2017), July). Microaggressions in Real Time. Oxford University International Roundtable Symposium, Oxford, UK.
- Wilson, P.G. (November, 2017) Baby Hair: A Child’s Socialization into Ethnocentric Monoculturalism through Hair. National Association for Multicultural Education National Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Wilson, P.G. (November, 2017) Baby Hair: A Child’s Socialization into Ethnocentric Monoculturalism through Hair. Alabama Counseling Association Annual Conference, Mobile, AL.
- Turner, T., Kiser, J., Wallace, M.D., Wilson, P. G., McGahey, J.T. (December, 2017). CACREP Self-Study and Addendum for Jacksonville State University.
- Wilson, P. G. (March, 2018) Did She Just Say That? Microaggressions in Real Time. National Association for Peace Education, New Orleans, LA.
- Wilson, P.G. (June, 2018) Dr. Wilson’s Feelgood Factory: Discussion of Recovery After A Major Event. JSU College for Kids. Jacksonville, AL.
- Wilson, P. G. (November, 2018) What Awaits Us. Therapeutic Approaches for Older Adults, ALCA Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.
- Wilson. P.G.(June 6, 2019), The Importance of Mental Health. Mental Health Camp, Gadsden, AL.
- Wilson, P. G., (June 10, 2019). The Invisible String, and The Ties That Bind, JSU College for Kids, Jacksonville, AL.
- Wilson, P.G. (November 2019). I Am Enough: The Power of Cultural Text. NAME Annual Conference, Tucson, AZ.
- Wilson, P.G. (November 2019). I Am Enough: The Power of Cultural Text. Proposal accepted for the Alabama Counseling Association Annual Conference, Montgomery, AL.
- Wilson, P.G. (Moderator, June 23, 2020). Panel Discussion on Racial Injustice. JBS Mental Health Authority, Birmingham, AL.
- Wilson, P.G. (March 8, 2021). Microaggressions in Supervision and in The Counseling Relationship: Errors and Understanding. Navy Clinical Preceptor Program.
- Wilson, P.G. (November, 2021) On Becoming a Ally and Not an Annoyance. Alabama Counseling Association Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.