Jihye Lee
Associate Professor
293 Merrill Hall
Dr. Jihye Lee holds a Ph.D. in Marketing (Management Science) from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her research focuses on nonprofit marketing and cause-related marketing, specifically on a charitable behavior and roles of social media on donation. She is also actively engaged in research on how consumers process information on interactive media and a series of cross-cultural study of mobile commerce on global markets. She is currently teaching sales, advertising and digital marketing for undergraduate students and marketing management for MBA students at Jacksonville State University. Before her doctoral studies, Dr. Lee worked as an associate researcher in the AC Nielsen Media research, where she analyzed audience behaviors on Internet and broadcast media. She has also worked as an e-marketer at several Internet companies in South Korea, including the predecessor of number one digital media company, Kakao. She holds a master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communication at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago and has many years of marketing and media research experiences. Dr. Lee leads and coaches JSU undergraduate competitors for 2020 National Collegiate Sales Competitions. She also serves as a board member of Faculty Commons Advisory at JSU. She has been a recipient of teaching excellent awards at JSU. During her doctoral studies, she was commended with a several scholarships and grants related to her research and teaching. Her research has presented at several international conferences, Association of Consumer Research, Nonprofit Marketing Association, Atlantic Marketing Association and Society of Business, Industry and Economics. Her research has published at International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector and Atlantic Marketing Journal.

Courses Taught
- MKT 361 Sales/Salesforce Management
- MKT 488 Advertising and promotion
- MKT 325 Digital Marketing
- MKT 495 Marketing Strategy
- MKT 513 Marketing Management
Other Responsibilities
Faculty Coach - National Collegiate Sales Competitions Faculty Advisory Board - JSU