Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce - JSU

Graduate student at hooding ceremony

20% Tuition Scholarship at JSU

As an employee of a member of the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce, you may be eligible for a 20% Tuition Scholarship at JSU.

Apply for free today!


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Scholarship Details

  • Employment must be verified before the payment deadline each semester.
  • This scholarship is not retroactive.
  • This scholarship is not available to students who are being or who will be awarded other forms of institutional aid or discounts.
  • This scholarship is not available to students who are enrolled in doctoral programs or other programs with special package pricing.
  • Current or returning JSU students must have at least a 2.0 institutional GPA to be eligible for this scholarship.


Please contact us at or call 256-782-5039

Already Applied or Enrolled?

1. Submit the Partnerships Scholarship Application

Partner Scholarship Application

  • The Fall B and Fall Block 2 scholarship application and employment verification window opens September 4 with the below deadlines:

    - Fall B: October 15
    - Fall Block 2: October 15
*If attending multiple fall terms, employment must be verified by the deadline of the earliest term you plan to enroll. The application and employment verification only need to be submitted once for all fall terms.


2. Verify Your Employment

Have your company’s HR department or hiring manager submit verification of your employment to in one of the following ways:

  • If sending from a company email address (example:, include the below information in the body of the email:


  • If the email address used by the company does not include the company’s name in the domain, attach a letter on company letterhead with the below information:
  1. Subject line: “NAME OF CHAMBER Scholarship ”
  2. Employee’s/student’s name
  3. JSU student ID number (if applicable)
  4. Company name
  5. Confirmation of whether employment is full-time or part-time