University Partners with Alabama State Games

Jacksonville State has finalized a partnership with Alabama’s largest annual multi-sport event, the Alabama State Games, to provide competitors the opportunity to win scholarships to the university.
“We are so excited about this partnership,” said Laura Creel Burt, executive director of the Alabama State Games. “Partnering with Jacksonville State University furthers our commitment to academic success and benefits all of our scholarship recipients in 2024 and beyond who want to study at JSU.”
Established in 1982 at the request of the US Olympic Committee, the Alabama State Games offers athletes of all ages and ability levels the opportunity to compete in more than 20 sports for bronze, silver and gold medals through a unique, Olympic-style experience. The event is an initiative of the non-profit ASF Foundation, which has awarded more than $363,000 in academic scholarships to participants.
“At the Alabama State Games, we use sport as the vehicle to promote academic excellence, healthy lifestyles and good citizenship,” Burt said. “Knowing that we have a university partner willing to work with us to encourage Alabama athletes and welcome them to JSU with a scholarship match is fantastic.”
Athletes who register for the 41st Alabama State Games this summer and attend the opening ceremony can win one of many scholarship awards totaling $40,000. JSU has agreed to match the scholarship amount of those who receive awards as part of the ASF Foundation’s scholarship initiative.
“We think this is a wonderful partnership to venture into with the Games,” said Dr. Alan Medders, Jax State’s vice president for philanthropy and executive director of the JSU Foundation. “The university is proud to partner with the Alabama State Games to provide these scholarships to students who choose Jacksonville State University to follow their college career and for those who are looking to pursue a college education.”
To be eligible for a scholarship drawing, athletes must register for the Alabama State Games and attend either the State Farm Athlete Leadership Summit or the opening ceremony. Scholarships will be awarded at the end of each event.
“Our commitment to academic success does not waver,” said Burt. “Success is not one size fits all and we feel very fortunate to have Jacksonville State University’s partnership as we encourage athletes to get the academic training needed to attain their desired success and realize their dreams. Both the ASF Foundation and JSU are committed to the youth of this state.”
The Alabama State Games will be held in Birmingham on June 7-9.