October is Exercise is Medicine Month

by Buffy Lockette
We’re just a week into autumn – leaves are only beginning to change color – yet the nostalgic pull of candied apples, pumpkin-spiced lattes and bat-shaped chocolate bars is already tempting tastebuds and threatening waistlines.To counterbalance this season of snacking, JSU has once again designated October as “Exercise is Medicine Month.” While October kicks off a season of overeating, it also presents some of the best outdoor walking weather.“It’s all about balance,” said Dr. Gina Mabrey, head of the Department of Kinesiology. “You can have your caramel cake – and eat it too – if you offset it with exercise.”Students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Walk Cocky Campaign throughout October. The month-long wellness initiative encourages participants to get 10,000 steps per day. Those who meet this goal at least 20 times throughout the month will be eligible to win prizes donated by local businesses.To sign up, email your name, cellphone number and department to jcrosson@jsu.edu with the subject line “Walk Cocky” no later than Oct. 6. You will be entered into a campus-wide group text monitored by exercise science and wellness seniors, who will help keep participants motivated with fun challenges and check-ins.Additional health and wellness events this month include:Lunch CrunchOct. 2, 9, 16, 2312:15-12:45 p.m.Kennamer Hall GymA fun, 30-minute workout led by exercise science and wellness seniors. All fitness levels welcome. Cocky Cares Flu Shot ClinicOct. 3, 17, 248 a.m. to 12 p.m.UREC Mac GymGet your annual flu vaccine for free from the College of Health Professions and Wellness. Please bring JSU ID and, if possible, your insurance card. Cocky Cares Health FairOct. 10-1110 a.m. to 2 p.m.Jacksonville Community CenterStudents from the College of Health Professions and Wellness will be measuring blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, body composition and more. Wellness Wednesday Lunch and LearnOct. 1812-1 p.m.Merrill Building, Room B2Enjoy a healthy lunch while hearing about various health topics from exercise science and wellness seniors, sponsored by the American Heart Association. Registration is limited to 20 guests. Email jcrosson@jsu.edu to register. American Red Cross Blood DriveOct. 199 a.m. to 3 p.m.Kennamer HallBrought to campus by the Department of Kinesiology, Exercise is Medicine Month is a global health initiative organized by the American College of Sports Medicine to help colleges focus on moving together for a healthier campus. President Don Killingsworth, Jr., has supported the initiative with a proclamation.“We are so grateful to President Killingsworth for continuing to champion wellness here at Jax State,” said Aubrey Crosson, the kinesiology instructor organizing the month of activities. “We hope to see all our Gamecocks thriving physically and mentally - and participating in these immersive wellness experiences is a great start!”