JSU Climbs in Annual US News Rankings

by Buffy Lockette
Jacksonville State University has once again been named one of the top universities in the South by US News & World Report.
In the 2022-2023 edition of Best Colleges, JSU was named one of the Top Public Schools in the South - climbing from No. 38 to No. 34 this year among public Southern universities. JSU also tied Southern Wesleyan University as the No. 74th Regional University in the South, up three spots from No. 77 in 2021-2022. The university's Bachelor of Science in Nursing program ranked No. 413 in the nation.
Central to the university’s mission, JSU was named a Top Performer on Social Mobility again – moving up from No. 91 to No. 90 in the South out of all colleges and universities. Social mobility measures the percentage of economically disadvantaged students who are able to advance socially by enrolling in college.
US News released its 2022-2023 rankings of Best Graduate Schools in March. JSU ranked No. 213 among Best Public Affairs Programs and No. 196 for Best Social Work Programs.
For nearly 40 years, the Best College rankings have served as a guide for prospective students and their families. This year, 1,500 colleges and universities were evaulated on up to 17 measures of academic quality. For rankings methodology, visit the US News website. To see how JSU stacks up on other rankings lists, visit the university’s Rankings and Designations page.