Unique Courses for Fall 2022

by Abigail Harrison
Registration for the fall semester is here, and the courses are more exciting than ever! Whether you are interested in video games, social change or sports, there is a unique course for you at Jacksonville State University. Check out some of the unique courses being offered in Fall 2022.
ART 438: Game Board Design – Roll the dice and master a new skill in the Game Board Design course. In this specialized graphic design course, you will learn how to use illustrating programs to design game boards.
BA 505: Overview of the US Healthcare System – Learn all about the history of the country’s health care system in this course. Students will analyze the evolution and structure of the system, as well as learn how issues of quality, access and cost are affecting healthcare.
CBA 488: Small Business Experience – Small businesses and the issues they face have gained a lot of attention since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This management course focuses on the specific skills and challenges that come with starting, maintaining and expanding small businesses.
COM 440: Campaign Management in Public Relations & Advertising – Do you dream of one day working on a national or local political campaign? In this capstone course, you will learn the principles and techniques of planning, executing, and evaluating public relations and advertising campaigns.
CJ 365: Case and Court Preparation – In the criminal justice system, collecting evidence and nailing down a suspect are just the first steps in an investigation. Presenting your case in a courtroom is the next step in securing a conviction. In this course, you will learn how to effectively organize and prepare your criminal case to give a successful courtroom presentation.
EH 252: Introduction to Game Studies – Do you love playing video games and want to turn that passion into a career? Now you can with JSU’s new minor in Game Studies! In this Game Studies course, you will be introduced to the basics of analyzing, writing and designing video games.
GY 466: Sports Geography – Take your love for sports around the world with this Sports Geography course. You will study locational strategies of franchises, team recruiting patterns, international competitions among countries, and the political economy of sports arenas. The topics to be covered include cultural identity, political geography and sports, sports landscapes, and the origins and diffusion of modern sports.
HPE 131: Yogi Motion – Pump up the cardio in this fun fitness course that combines dance cardio and power yoga. No previous yoga experience is required.
HY 305: Soccer as Global History – Kick off the academic year by taking this course that explores the history of the most popular sport in the world. The sport’s impact stretches far beyond the soccer field, and the course will shed light on the history of colonialism, trade and war, as well as survey issues such as gender identity, ethnicity, religion and political and social economy.
SY 480: The Sociology of Harry Potter – Calling all Potterheads! Do you want to explore the Harry Potter series through a social lens? In this course, we will study representation in the wizarding world, the personhood of magical creatures, and the everyday acts of resistance at Hogwarts. Students are not required to have any prerequisites. Email Dr. Brianna Turgeon at bturgeon@jsu.edu if you need an override to join the class!
THR 383: Puppetry – Do you want to become a puppet master? In this course, you can learn the process of designing, creating and performing puppets.
For the third year, the university will offer the Explore Seminar Series. Established in 2020, the program addresses current events and trending issues by focusing on a timely theme. In 2020-2021, the theme was Race and Social Justice. In 2021-2022, as the world continued to fight a global pandemic, the theme was Resilience and Grit. For 2022-2023, the theme will center on Misinformation, Conspiracy and Truth.
Students at any stage of their undergraduate career are invited to enroll in these 100-level, 1-hour, graded courses. They may decide to take one course to complete a one-credit requirement, or pursue up to three courses throughout their studies at JSU, exploring different issues and topics.
The following Explore Seminar Courses will be offered in Fall 2022:
COM 195: Propaganda - Disinformation Then & Now – Propaganda is a form of communication used to spread powerful messages and visuals to a public audience. The use of propaganda has a dark history full of manipulation and terrible actions. In this course, students will learn the evolution of misinformation and disinformation and how examples are still seen in society.
EH 195: Rhetoric of Misinformation – From the political memes your grandmother shares on Facebook to questionable experts profiting off our fears, what makes misinformation so persuasive and pervasive? In this class, we will examine why misinformation mystifies, the manipulative rhetorical appeals of misinformation, and how we can challenge misinformation in our everyday lives.
EH 195: The Satanic Panic – During the late 80s and early 90s, Americans were gripped by a mass hysteria known as the Satanic Panic, where many believed the country was being infiltrated by Satan worshippers trying to convert and sacrifice children through music, games and daycares. In this course, you can learn about what triggered such a mass hysteria then, and how similar Satanic Panic beliefs are once again making way into conspiracy theories and media.
GY 195: Lying with Maps – Have you ever considered how maps can be used to construct fake news, twist conspiracies, and produce misinformation? Throughout this course, we will explore how mapmakers have contributed to the fabrication of world news and events, and how they tell a truth through only one point of view. Students will learn how to read current maps and create maps connected to current events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, political struggles, food shortages, and others.
INS 195: Racial Truths – How is identity informed by race, and what can we learn from those who “cross the line” to pass as another race? In this course, we will analyze race as a social construct that is destabilized by passing narratives in literature and film. What happens to characters who pass, and what does that suggest about our constructed identities and society?
RDG 298 Literature and Language for Children – In this fun course, you will survey genres of Children's and Young Adult literature. Students will learn about story elements and evaluation of children's literature, as well as explore themes, similarities, and differences among the various genres. Upon completion, students will be able to support a literature and language rich classroom environment. This course may be taken prior to Teacher Education Program eligibility.
The fall semester begins Aug. 24. The last day to register or add a class is Aug. 30.