Plans Announced for Women's History Month 2021

For 138 years, JSU women have been making history on campus and beyond. English instructor Eliza A. Bowen - one of the first women faculty hired when the institution began in 1883 - was a nationally known writer, still remembered for authoring a definitive astronomy textbook.
Student Heather Whitestone McCallum was crowned the first deaf Miss America in 1995. Dr. Roberta Watts, who became JSU’s first black faculty member in 1969 and first black dean in 1983, was also the first black nursing dean of a non-historically black university in Alabama.
Student-athlete Ashley Martin Cockrell became the first woman to score in an NCAA Division I American football game in 2001. And, of course, there’s JSU friend and former staff member Lilly Ledbetter, who had a piece of legislation bearing her name signed into law by President Obama in 2009.
Inspired by the contributions of these and other legendary JSU women, the campus will recognize Women’s History Month 2021 throughout March. Please mark your calendar for the following events:
Women’s History Month Keynote Speaker, Ashley Cockrell: Kick off Women's History Month with a speech from alumna Ashley Martin Cockrell on March 2, 4 p.m. She was the first woman to score in a NCAA Division I American Football game. Her speech will be held in person at Leone Cole Auditorium. Only 60 seats are available and must be reserved in advance online. It will also be streamed live of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion's Facebook and Instagram pages.
Panel on Work/Family Balance: This panel - comprised of an expert sociologist and JSU faculty, administration, staff and student representatives - will discuss current research and trends surrounding work/family balance in the US as well as experiences of managing work/family balance in everyday life. Join the virtual event on Microsoft Teams on March 3 at 12 p.m.
HERstory of Success: JSU's Women in Leadership: During this virtual panel on March 10, join a student moderator as she interviews women leaders serving JSU's campus, discovering their education and career path, advice for students and professional women, and viewpoints on women's roles. The event will take place at 12 p.m. on Microsoft Teams.
Women in Politics Panel: Join the SGA and the Women’s History Month Committee for a conversation with local politicians on March 12 at 12 p.m. on Microsoft Teams.
Empowerment Photobooth: Join members of the Women’s History Month Committee in person at the Theron Montgomery Building on March 15-18, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., to share words of empowerment and take a selfie. Free Women’s History Month face masks will be given away (while supplies last).
Women’s History Month Awards Ceremony: Join members of the Women’s History Month Committee on March 29 at 12 p.m. as they wrap up the month by celebrating the accomplishments of JSU students, faculty and staff at a virtual award ceremony. Nominations are being accepted through March 15 for one of three annual awards: Woman of the Year (Faculty/Staff/Administrator), Woman of the Year (Student) and Gender Advocate of the Year. Entries are also being accepted through March 3 for a picture and essay contest, held in association with the Anniston Star, open to students of all genders in second grade through college who reside in Calhoun County. Submissions will be judged by a panel of JSU faculty and personnel of the Women’s History Month Committee. Winning entries will be published in the Anniston Star and honored at the March 29 awards ceremony.