Unique Courses Coming in 2021

EH 195 Hip Hop & Race - In this course, students will discuss race and racism in America, and through their study of poetry and hip hop, learn how to create effective change and sustain lasting support of anti-racist actions.
EH 330 Writing for the Web - An introduction to writing style, rhetorical strategy, research methods, and best practices for writing website content while learning the basics of user experience, search engine optimization, and content management systems as they relate to writing.
EH 372 Graphic Novel: Netflix Marvel U - A survey and critical analysis of selected Marvel Netflix series and the comics that inspired them.
MU 240 Intro to Music Business - This course will provide a survey of the music industry, highlighting those areas where music and business intersect. The focus will be on career possibilities in the music industry, the development of business-related knowledge and skills necessary for effectively maintaining a professional music career, the vocabulary and terminology of the music industry, and the distinction between music and business at the corporate level.
BY 480 Astrobiology - In this unique course, we will discuss the origin, evolution, distribution, and destiny of life in the universe. It uses interdisciplinary science at the intersection of biology, geology, and physics to discover where and under what conditions life can arise and exist in the universe.
HPE 140 Alpine Skiing - Did you know you could learn how to ski in Jacksonville, Alabama? With our new Alpine Skiing course, students will gain knowledge of both dry-land instruction and get to experience a 3-day trip of on-snow instruction.
EH 354 Creative Writing Special Topics: Worldbuilding - In this class, we'll examine works containing new worlds—both realistic and fantastical—and study their construction as we build our own. We'll cover worldbuilding in realistic fiction, science fiction and fantasy, Dungeons & Dragons, and video game worlds. Visiting writers and guest speakers will meet with the class to discuss best practices and give advice.
EM 307 Pandemics and Pestilence - In this FREE elective course, students will learn how significant the burden of infectious diseases is on human populations and how pandemics occur. The course covers pandemic preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation strategies.
HY 195: Why Black Lives Matter - Few people are unaware of the Black Lives Matter movement, which was created by three Black women in 2013. Why then? What are the root causes of the movement? Unsurprisingly, they extend to the earliest years of European settlement in North America, throughout slavery and emancipation, and to the present. We will understand the origins of the BLM movement by tracing the story of Blacks in America from the early days of American slavery to the present.
SW 195 Explore Seminar: Remote Trauma - Technology has created convenient access to information from all over the world. It has also increased our exposure to shocking events or images without warning. Can the viewer experience symptoms of PTSD due to these graphic experiences? This seminar will explore the impact trauma has on witnesses near and far.
Open Registration will begin Nov. 14, and the last day to register or add a class is Jan. 19, 2021. To add one of the courses to your Schedule Planner, search the JSU Catalog by course number to learn more. (Note: Some courses are listed with course name Special Topics)