Jerod Sharp Wins National Award from Sigma Nu

JSU SGA President Jerod Sharp has been named national Scholar of the Year by Sigma Nu Fraternity for the 2019-2020 academic year. The award is presented annually to the most academically excellent member of the organization.
As a biology major at JSU, Sharp carries a 4.0 GPA. He has served JSU's Iota Lambda Chapter of Sigma Nu as treasurer and recorder. He has also served as vice president of the Student Senate before being elected to serve as 2020-2021 SGA president.
“In a single semester, Jerod proved himself as a diligent, hardworking and very bright young researcher who has exceptionally high potential," said Dr. Roger Sauterer, associate professor of biology.
In announcing Sharp's award, the national chapter said, "Sigma Nu wishes Jerod success in his future endeavors and hopes that he will continue to proudly represent the fraternity’s mission, values and principles through his honorable conduct."
Headquartered in Lexington, Va., Sigma Nu Fraternity was founded in 1869 at Virginia Military Institute in Lexington. It currently has more than 160 active chapters and colonies on college campuses throughout the US, including JSU, and has initiated more than 235,000 members since its founding.