J-Week to Kick Off Fall Semester

The much anticipated Fall 2020 semester is finally here and, even though the COVID-19 pandemic is keeping Gamecocks physically distanced, that doesn’t mean we can’t socially connect. The Division of Student Affairs, in partnership with the Student Government Association, has planned a week of events that will allow the JSU family to come together safely.
All students are invited to the following free J-Week events:
Saturday, August 15
Drive-in Movie, hosted by the SGA and Residence Life
8:30-10:30 p.m., Pete Mathews Coliseum
Monday, August 17
Freshman Convocation
6-8 p.m., JSU Stadium
Tuesday, August 18 (First Day of Classes)
Welcome Back Cookout hosted by the International House
1-4 p.m., Quad
Get on Board Day
5-7 p.m., Dillon Field
Wednesday, August 19
Meet the SGA/UREC Combine
5-7 p.m., Dillon Field
Thursday, August 20
SGA Hangout
5-7 p.m., Dillon Field
Be sure to check the online university calendar for addtional campus events to be offered this fall, both virtually and in-person with safety protocols. New events are added continuously. Welcome home Gamecocks!