Finance Professor to Help Lead American Business Law Journal

One of the most prestigious academic law publications, the American Business Law Journal (ABLJ), has appointed Dr. Rob Landry, professor of finance in the School of Business and Industry, to its six-member editorial board.
As the premiere triple-blind, peer-reviewed journal in the legal studies field, the ABLJ receives 300-400 submissions a year, yet only publishes 12-16 pieces a year in four issues annually - an acceptance rate of 2-4 percent.
Dr. Landry will serve as an articles editor for three years and then serve one year each as the senior articles editor, managing editor and then editor-in-chief. As editor-in-chief, Dr. Landry will lead the board and oversee 15 staff editors and 300 ad hoc reviewers. The JSU School of Business and Industry will serve as the intellectual home of the journal during Dr. Landry’s year as editor-in-chief.
Dr. Landry earned his law degree, magna cum laude, from The University of Alabama's School of Law and his doctorate from Auburn University. He is a recognized expert on bankruptcy and commercial law, having published more than 50 academic articles in leading journals including the ABLJ and numerous law school journals published by the University of Florida, University of Virginia, Texas Tech University, Emory University, American University and Catholic University.
At JSU, Dr. Landry teaches business law, economics and real estate law courses.