Fraternities and Sororities Double Service Efforts

Fraternities and Sororities at JSU nearly doubled their philanthropic and service efforts in 2019, compared to 2018. In 2019 alone, JSU’s 19 fraternities and sororities volunteered nearly 26,000 hours in the community and raised more than $191,000 for charitable organizations. Both community service and philanthropic efforts were an 86 percent increase from 2018.
Service and philanthropy are important values in Fraternity and Sorority Life. At the heart of every fraternity and sorority are philanthropic organizations they work extremely closely with. One of the greatest rewards that Fraternity and Sorority Life can offer is the personal development gained through community service and philanthropic work.
For more information about how to join a fraternity or sorority, visit or contact Joshua Robinson at 256-782-8492 or