City of Oxford Donates $25,000 to Applied Forensics

The City of Oxford, Ala. and the Oxford City Police Department have donated $25,000 to the JSU Center for Applied Forensics to offset the cost of training for local law enforcement and purchase crime scene supplies and equipment.
During a meeting on Jan. 7, Oxford Police Chief Bill Partridge presented JSU Acting President Don Killingsworth with a check to support the center.
“We appreciate the contribution from the City of Oxford and the ongoing support of the Oxford Police Department,” said Mark Hopwood, director of the Center for Applied Forensics. “We couldn’t perform our role in the counties we serve without their support and assistance.”
The Center for Applied Forensics provides education, technical expertise and investigative services in the field of applied forensics to rural Northeast Alabama. In addition to training JSU students, it offers continuing education to law enforcement agencies, particularly those in rural underserved areas, in proper evidence documentation and collection and the emerging trends in forensic science.