JSU Presents 2019 Faculty Awards

JSU held the 2019 Faculty Awards Reception on April 18, honoring retiring faculty, bestowing service pins, presenting distinguished awards, and recognizing those who have received tenure and promotions this year.
It was the final ceremony for retiring provost Dr. Rebecca Turner, who was honored for her contributions to the academy over her 38-year career at the university. President John Beehler announced at the event that the JSU Faculty Commons would be named in her honor. Located in Self Hall, the suite was renovated to provide a more comfortable environment for faculty to meet, plan and collaborate. It was rededicated in a ceremony honoring Dr. Turner on April 30.
Distinguished Awards
- McCluer Scholar Award: Dr. Lori Tolley-Jordan
- Faculty Scholar Lecturer Award: Dr. Jeremy Benson
- Dr. George Mehaffy Excellence in Learning Technology Award: Dr. Mary Springer
- Cleo and Carla Thomas Outstanding Community Education and Service Award: Dr. Jeff Ryan
- Raymond and Ruth Ringer Faculty Development Award: Dr. Laura Walker
- Earlon and Betty McWhorter Outstanding Teacher Award: Dr. Makenzie Bayles
- William A. Meehan Legacy Award: Freddie Clements
Faculty Receiving Doctorate Degrees
- Oyetunji Akisanya
- Laura Barrow
- Christie Calhoun
- Allen Gilbert
- Serena Gramling
- Jeremy Stovall
Distinguished Lecturer
- Christy Burns
- Jennifer Foster
Distinguished Professor
- Jan Case
- Robert Felgar
- Gordon Harvey
Associate Professor
- Janet Bavonese
- Michael Boynton
- Taleah Collum
- Gina Mabrey
- Christopher Probst
- Jeremy Ross
- Huang Shih-Kai
- Myrna Williamson
- Heidi Dempsey
- Raina Kostova
- William Loew
- Todd McKerchar
- Joe Morgan
- Christie Shelton
- Melinda Staubs
- Melanie Wallace
- Janet Bavonese
- Michael Boynton
- Taleah Collum
- Ben Hardy
- Shih-Kai Huang
- Gina Mabrey
- Dan Mertens
- Jeremy Ross
- Christopher Probst
- Myrna Willamson
International Exchange Scholars
- Eric Gamess
- Beiling Ma
Certified Online Instructors
- Randal Blades
- Christy Burns
- Sarah Donley
- Kathryn Elkins
- Heather Goodwin
- Elizabeth Gulledge
- Chirs Hosmer
- Carrie Kirk
- Kay Lang
- Lori McGrath
- Todd McKerchar
- Mysti Nichols
- Kelly Paynter
- Kimberly Warfield
- Arlinda Wormely
Faculty Research Awards
- Joseph Akpan
- Ahmad Alhammouri
- Paula Barnett-Ellis
- Benjamin Boozer
- Cassandra Chandler
- Jason Cleveland
- Sarah Cusimano Miles
- Heidi Dempsey
- Tina Deshotels
- Carmine Di Biase
- Donna Dunn
- Robert Felgar
- Wendy Freeland
- Eric Gamess
- Joanne Gates
- Elizabeth Gulledge
- Russell Hammack
- William Hankins
- Benjamin Hardy
- Kimberly Helms
- Tanveer Islam
- Karlie Johnson
- Kihyun Kim
- Majid Koozchchian
- Srinivasarao Krishnaprasad
- Rob Landry
- Bethany Latham
- Keith Lowe
- Andrew Lynge
- Gina Mabrey
- Allison McElroy
- Harry Nuttall
- KyeJung Park
- Rebecca Peinhardt
- Jodi Poe
- Kazi Rahman
- James Rayburn
- Manabu Saeki
- Amy Simon
- Emily Sims
- Jauneth Skinner
- Julie Staples
- Melinda Staubs
- Wendy Stephens
- Staci Stone
- Yingqi Tang
- Roland Thornburg
- Alina Trifas
- Hungwei Tseng
- Charlcie Vann
- Laura Walker
- Hanrong Wang
- Kim Westbrooks
- Myrna Williamson
- Arlinda Wormely
Service Pin Recipients
10 Years
- Edgar Mayfield
- Mica Mecham
- Rebecca Peinhardt
- Shannon Robertson
- Yinqi Tang
- Kim Townsel
15 Years
- Paul Beezley
- Christy Burns
- Jennifer Frank
- Larry Gray
- Antionette Hudson
- William Lowe
- Joy Maloney
- David Thornton
20 Years
- Rodney Bailey
- Lawrence Beard
- Benjamin Boozer
- Llewellyn Cook
- Jennifer Foster
- Lawrence Gillespie
- James Thomas
- Audria White
25 Years
- Marilyn Bougere
30 Years
- WM Hearn
- Ronald Koss
35 Years
- Mary Bevis
Retiring Faculty
- William Fielding
- Pitt Harding
- David Lambert
- Michael Marker
- Alfred Nichols
- Rebecca Peinhardt
- Kay Prickett
- Jauneth Skinner
- David Steffy