Student John Todd Named a Newman Civic Fellow

Campus Compact, a Boston non-profit organization working to advance the public purposes of higher education, has announced the 262 students who will make up the organization’s 2019-2020 cohort of Newman Civic Fellows, including JSU’s own John Todd.
The Newman Civic Fellowship, named for Campus Compact co-founder Frank Newman, is a one-year experience emphasizingpersonal, professional and civic growth for students who have demonstrated a capacity for leadership and an investment in solving public problems.
Through the fellowship, Campus Compact provides a variety of learning and networking opportunities, including a national conference of Newman Civic Fellows in partnership with the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the US Senate. The fellowship also provides fellows with access to apply for exclusive scholarships and post-graduate opportunities.
“We are proud to recognize each of these extraordinary student leaders and thrilled to have the opportunity to engage with them,” said Campus Compact President Andrew Seligsohn. “The stories of this year's Newman Civic Fellows make clear that they are committed to finding solutions to pressing problems in their communities and beyond. That is what Campus Compact is about, and it's what our country and our world desperately need.”
John Todd is a senior at JSU, where he majors in political science. His experiences in Lebanon and America have made him aware that food security is a primary social issue that needs to be addressed. He has worked on campus to bring awareness of food insecurity among college students. Currently, he is focusing on food security education. He hopes to establish a program to educate all incoming students of the problem, as well as the resources available to help them. He believes students should not have to worry about where their next meal will come from, but rather be able to focus on their classes and enjoy the college experience.
“I first became exposed to the effects of food scarcity and resource insecurity had on a community when my family moved to Lebanon, where we worked with Syrian refugees for six years,” he said. “We engaged with the community to give people access to school, employment, and most necessary, food. Food insecurity was a very pervasive issue there, and is also found to be a problem here at home.”
The Newman Civic Fellowship is supported by the KPMG Foundation and Newman’s Own Foundation. Learn more at