Guest Speaker to Reframe the Sexual Assault Conversation

It only took one letter to redefine Tim Mousseau’s life forever. With a photograph and a few accompanying words, he was faced with the evidence of an experience he had no memory of – he discovered he was a victim of sexual assault.
Not only did Mousseau have to come to grips with this new reality, but he also had to face the nightmare of being stalked and blackmailed. The next two years of his life were a struggle of mixed emotions and coping mechanisms, but over time he came to realize something – this was his story to tell, and by telling it, he could take ownership of it.
After years of silence, Mousseau wrote about his experience, and thousands read about his secret. He wasn’t prepared for the response – he heard back from hundreds. By opening up the conversation on this sensitive topic, he discovered he had the power to redefine his outlook and made it his mission to empower others to do the same.
Tim Mousseau will share his empowering story on JSU’s campus on March 12, 6 p.m., in Pete Mathews Coliseum. Everyone is invited to join this deep and vulnerable conversation on the delicate topic of sexual assault. This event is sponsored by JSU Fraternity and Sorority Life, the Student Government Association, Athletics, Residence Life, Counseling Services and the Title IX Office.