JSU Kicks Off Customer Service Campaign

Being the Friendliest Campus in the South takes the hard work and dedication of every JSU employee. Strengthening that shared sense of empowerment and unity is the driving message behind the new university-wide customer service campaign – Gamecock Service Excellence: You Matter.
The campaign will launch with a cookout on Thursday, Oct. 18, 3-7 p.m. on the Quad. This celebration will also serve as a way to recognize the excellent service JSU employees have provided to students, their colleagues and the community since the March 19 tornado.
Born out of JSU’s Strategic Initiatives, the Gamecock Service Excellence: You Matter campaign aims to improve the overall service for those visiting, attending and working at JSU. Enhancing the health, knowledge, skills, abilities, talents, experiences and motivation of JSU employees helps increase the value, morale and productivity of employees and resources.
“Gamecock Service Excellence: You Matter, to me, references a culture of service-oriented employees who seek to identify solutions for students or each other,” explained Dean Christie Shelton, a member of the campaign task force. “The culture is such that we are kind to each other, we work well together, and we seek to find resolutions when problems do arise. We are respectful and objective, and we work together to create a culture of collaboration and support for all employees.”
The primary goal, as stated in the campaign’s mission statement, is to “build a supportive environment that inspires excellence in everything we do.” The campaign is centered on four pillars:
- Service Culture
- Customer Experience
- Service Quality
- Employee Engagement
Each of these pillars represents a focal point for improvement. Each pillar also represents a show of strength for each and every JSU employee, explained Andy Green, director of community engagement.
“One of our core beliefs is that our employees are capable and talented resources who can benefit not only our students, but the entire Jacksonville community,” Green said. “And really, that’s why we’re here – to provide excellent customer service.”
At its heart, the Gamecock Service Excellence: You Matter campaign is meant to create a sense of unity among employees. At JSU, everyone is connected to everyone else, and all rely on one another to create the best possible environment for the students who call the campus home.
“This is something we believe will impact the day-to-day bottom line of JSU; the way that we are taking care of the people around us,” Green said. “This isn’t a one-day training session. This is something that’s going to be conveyed over the next two years because it’s something that deserves longevity to really get in there and really understand what it’s like to be in someone else’s shoes. You can’t learn that in a one-hour class.”
Service Culture is the first topic that will be covered in Spring 2019 and will focus on the mission, vision and values of JSU, its organizational climate and diversity. Service Culture sessions are being scheduled and registration information will be shared with employees once available. Until then, JSU employees are invited to enjoy fun, food and festivities while learning more about the campaign on the cookout on Oct. 18.